FORM 6 - K

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer
                    Pursuant to Rule 13a - 16 or 15d - 16 of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                               As of March 6, 2006

                                  TENARIS, S.A.
                 (Translation of Registrant's name into English)

                                  TENARIS, S.A.
                           46a, Avenue John F. Kennedy
                                L-1855 Luxembourg
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual
reports under cover Form 20-F or 40-F.

                          Form 20-F x    Form 40-F
                                   ---            ---

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information
contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the
Commission pursuant to Rule 12G3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                          Yes            No x
                             ---           ---

     If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the
registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-____.

The attached material is being furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 13a-16 and Form 6-K under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. This report contains Tenaris' consolidated condensed interim financial statements as of September 30, 2005.

TENARIS S.A. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 46a, Avenue John F. Kennedy - 2nd Floor. L - 1855 Luxembourg

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTS Year ended December 31, -------------------------------------------------- (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars, unless Notes 2005 2004 2003 otherwise stated) Net sales 1 6,736,197 4,136,063 3,179,652 Cost of sales 2 (3,942,758) (2,776,936) (2,207,827) ================================================= Gross profit 2,793,439 1,359,127 971,825 Selling, general and administrative expense 3 (842,574) (672,449) (566,835) Other operating income 5(i) 11,986 152,591 8,859 Other operating expense 5(ii) (14,405) (25,751) (125,659) ================================================= Operating income 1,948,446 813,518 288,190 Financial income (expense), net 6 (109,738) 5,802 (29,420) ================================================= Income before equity in earnings of associated companies and income tax 1,838,708 819,320 258,770 Equity in earnings of associated companies 7 117,377 206,037 27,585 ================================================= Income before income tax 1,956,085 1,025,357 286,355 Income tax 8 (568,753) (220,376) (63,918) ================================================= Income for the year (1) 1,387,332 804,981 222,437 ================================================= Income for the year attributable to (1): Equity holders of the Company 1,277,547 784,703 210,308 Minority interest 109,785 20,278 12,129 ================================================= 1,387,332 804,981 222,437 ================================================= Earnings per share attributable to equity holders of the Company (1) Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (in thousands) 9 1,180,537 1,180,507 1,167,230 Earnings per share (U.S. dollars per share) 9 1.08 0.66 0.18 Earnings per ADS (U.S. dollars per ADS) 9 10.82 6.65 1.80 (1) Prior to December 31, 2004 minority interest was shown in the income statement before net income, as required by International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") in effect. For years beginning on or after January 1, 2005, International Accounting Standards ("IAS") 1 (revised) requires that income for the year as shown on the income statement not exclude minority interest. Earnings per share, however, continue to be calculated on the basis of net income attributable solely to the equity holders of the Company (see Section IV (a)). The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. -1-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars) At December 31, At December 31, 2005 2004 ----------------------- ------------------------ Notes ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment, net 10 2,230,038 2,164,601 Intangible assets, net 11 159,099 49,211 Investments in associated companies 12 257,234 99,451 Other investments 13 25,647 24,395 Deferred tax assets 21 194,874 161,173 Receivables 14 65,852 2,932,744 151,365 2,650,196 ------------ ----------- Current assets Inventories 15 1,376,113 1,269,470 Receivables and prepayments 16 143,282 279,450 Current tax assets 17 102,455 94,996 Trade receivables 18 1,324,171 936,931 Other investments 19(i) 119,907 119,666 Cash and cash equivalents 19(ii) 707,356 3,773,284 311,579 3,012,092 ----------------------- ---------------------- Total assets 6,706,028 5,662,288 =========== =========== EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (Section IV. (a)) Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's equity holders Share capital 1,180,537 1,180,537 Legal reserves 118,054 118,054 Share premium 609,733 609,733 Other distributable reserve - 82 Currency translation adjustments (59,743) (30,020) Other reserves 2,718 - Retained earnings 1,656,503 3,507,802 617,538 2,495,924 ------------ ------------ Minority interest 268,071 165,271 ----------- ----------- Total equity 3,775,873 2,661,195 ----------- ----------- LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Borrowings 20 678,112 420,751 Deferred tax liabilities 21 353,395 371,975 Other liabilities 22(i) 154,378 172,442 Provisions 23(ii) 43,964 31,776 Trade payables 1,205 1,231,054 4,303 1,001,247 ------------ ------------ Current liabilities Borrowings 20 332,180 838,591 Current tax liabilities 452,534 222,735 Other liabilities 22(ii) 138,875 194,945 Provisions 24(ii) 36,945 42,636 Customer advances 113,243 108,847 Trade payables 625,324 1,699,101 592,092 1,999,846 ----------------------- ----------------------- Total liabilities 2,930,155 3,001,093 ----------- ----------- Total equity and liabilities 6,706,028 5,662,288 =========== =========== Contingencies, commitments and restrictions to the distribution of profits are disclosed in Note 26. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. -2-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars) - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributable to equity holders of the Company ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Minority Interest Other Currency Retained (see Share Legal Share Distributable translation Other Earnings Section Capital Reserves Premium Reserve (*) adjustment Reserves (*) IV.(a)) Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at January 1, 2005 1,180,537 118,054 609,733 82 (30,020) - 617,538 165,271 2,661,195 Effect of adopting IFRS 3 (see Section IV.) - - - - - - 110,775 - 110,775 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted balance at January 1, 2005 1,180,537 118,054 609,733 82 (30,020) - 728,313 165,271 2,771,970 Currency translation differences - - - - (29,723) - - 7,180 (22,543) Increase in equity reserves in Ternium (see Note 28) 2,718 2,718 Acquisition of minority interest - - - - - - - 153 153 Dividends paid in cash - - - (82) - - (349,357) (14,318) (363,757) Income for the year - - - - - - 1,277,547 109,785 1,387,332 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at December 31, 2005 1,180,537 118,054 609,733 - (59,743) 2,718 1,656,503 268,071 3,775,873 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (*) The Distributable Reserve and Retained Earnings calculated according to Luxembourg Law are disclosed in Note 26 (v). The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. -3-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (CONT'D.) (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributable to equity holders of the Company ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Minority Other Currency Interest Share Legal Share Distributable translation Retained (see Section Capital Reserves Premium Reserve adjustments Earnings IV. (a)) Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at January 1, 2004 1,180,288 118,029 609,269 96,555 (34,194) (128,667) 119,984 1,961,264 Currency translation differences - - - - 4,174 - 9,478 13,652 Capital Increase and acquisition of minority interest 249 25 464 82 - - 20,457 21,277 Dividends paid in cash - - - (96,555) - (38,498) (4,926) (139,979) Income for the year - - - - - 784,703 20,278 804,981 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at December 31, 2004 1,180,537 118,054 609,733 82 (30,020) 617,538 165,271 2,661,195 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributable to equity holders of the Company ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Minority Other Currency Interest Share Legal Share Distributable translation Retained (see Section Capital Reserves Premium Reserve adjustments Earnings IV. (a)) Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at January 1, 2003 1,160,701 116,070 587,493 206,744 (34,503) (342,451) 186,783 1,880,837 Currency translation differences - - - - 309 - 16,738 17,047 Capital Increase, exchange transaction and acquisition of minority interest 19,587 1,959 21,776 4,813 - 3,476 (81,602) (29,991) Dividends paid - - - (115,002) - - (14,064) (129,066) Income for the year - - - - - 210,308 12,129 222,437 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at December 31, 2003 1,180,288 118,029 609,269 96,555 (34,194) (128,667) 119,984 1,961,264 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. -4-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENTS Year ended December 31, ----------------------------------- (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars) 2005 2004 2003 ----------------------------------- Cash flows from operating activities Income for the year 1,387,332 804,981 222,437 Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortization 10&11 214,227 208,119 199,799 Income tax accruals less payments 30(ii) 149,487 44,659 (138,570) Equity in earnings of associated companies 7 (117,377) (206,037) (27,585) Interest accruals less payments, net 30(iii) 1,919 16,973 (3,032) 26 Power plant impairment (iv)(d) - 11,705 - Changes in provisions 23&24 6,497 11,455 (13) Result from disposition of investments in associated companies - - (1,018) Proceeds from Fintecna arbitration award net of BHP settlement 26(i) 66,594 (126,126) 114,182 Changes in working capital (1) 30(i) (433,939) (621,187) (107,156) Other, including currency translation adjustment 20,583 (46,254) 16,592 ----------------------------------- Net cash provided by operating activities 1,295,323 98,288 275,636 ----------------------------------- Cash flows from investing activities Capital expenditures 10&11 (284,474) (183,312) (162,624) Acquisitions of subsidiaries 28(a) (48,292) (97,595) (65,283) Convertible loan to associated companies 28(d) (40,358) - (31,128) Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 9,995 12,054 5,965 Proceeds from sales of investments in associated companies - - 1,124 Dividends and distributions received from associated companies 12 59,127 48,598 - Changes in restricted bank deposits 11,452 (13,500) - Investments in short term securities (119,907) - - Reimbursement from trust funds 119,666 20,359 - Acquisitions of minority interest - - (299) ----------------------------------- Net cash used in investing activities (292,791) (213,396) (252,245) ----------------------------------- Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid (349,439) (135,053) (115,002) Dividends paid to minority interest in subsidiaries (14,318) (31) (14,064) Proceeds from borrowings 1,222,861 632,095 552,446 Repayments of borrowings (1,463,233) (326,453) (506,717) ----------------------------------- Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities (604,129) 170,558 (83,337) ----------------------------------- Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 398,403 55,450 (59,946) Movement in cash and cash equivalents At beginning of the year 293,824 238,030 294,887 Effect of exchange rate changes (11,636) 344 3,089 Increase in cash and cash equivalents 398,403 55,450 (59,946) ----------------------------------- At December 31, 680,591 293,824 238,030 ----------------------------------- Non-cash financing activities: Fair value adjustment of minority interest acquired - - (925) Common stock issued in acquisition of minority interest - 820 51,611 Conversion of debt to equity in subsidiaries - 13,072 - (1) In 2004, includes USD55.1 million corresponding to the first installment paid in connection with the final settlement of BHP claim The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. -5-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX TO THE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. GENERAL INFORMATION V. OTHER NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 Segment information II. ACCOUNTING POLICIES ("AP") 2 Cost of sales A Basis of presentation 3 Selling, general and administrative expenses B Group accounting 4 Labor costs (included in Cost of sales and Selling, general and administrative expenses) C Segment information 5 Other operating items D Foreign currency translation 6 Financial income (expenses), net E Property, plant and equipment 7 Equity in earnings of associated companies F Impairment of non financial assets 8 Income tax G Intangible assets 9 Earnings and dividends per share H Other investments 10 Property, plant and equipment, net I Inventories 11 Intangible assets, net J Trade receivables 12 Investments in associated companies K Cash and cash equivalents 13 Other investments non current L Shareholders' Equity 14 Receivables non current M Borrowings 15 Inventories N Income taxes - Current and Deferred 16 Receivables and prepayments O Employee - related liabilities 17 Current tax assets P Employees' statutory profit sharing 18 Trade receivables Q Provisions and other liabilities 19 Cash and cash equivalents, and Other investments R Revenue recognition 20 Borrowings S Cost of sales and sales expenses 21 Deferred income tax T Earnings per share 22 Other liabilities U Derivative financial instruments 23 Non-current allowances and provisions 24 Current allowances and provisions III. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT 25 Derivative financial instruments 26 Contingencies, commitments and restrictions on the distribution of profits IV. IMPACT OF NEW ACCOUNTING 27 Ordinary shares and share premium PRONOUNCEMENTS 28 Business and other acquisitions 29 Related party transactions 30 Cash flow disclosures 31 Principal subsidiaries -6-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. GENERAL INFORMATION Tenaris S.A. (the "Company" or "Tenaris"), a Luxembourg corporation (societe anonyme holding), was incorporated on December 17, 2001, as a holding company for investments in steel pipe manufacturing and distributing operations. The Company holds, either directly or indirectly, controlling interests in various subsidiaries. A list of the Company's investment holdings is included in Note 31. Tenaris shares are listed on the New York, Buenos Aires, Milan and Mexico City Stock Exchanges. These consolidated financial statements were approved for issue by the Tenaris Board of Directors on March 1, 2006. II. ACCOUNTING POLICIES A Basis of presentation The Consolidated Financial Statements of Tenaris and its subsidiaries have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of U.S. dollars ("$"). At December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003, the financial statements of Tenaris and its subsidiaries have been consolidated. Certain comparative amounts have been reclassified to conform to changes in presentation in the current year. The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make certain accounting estimates and assumptions that might affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the balance sheet dates, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting years. Actual results may differ from these estimates. B Group accounting (1) Subsidiary companies Subsidiary companies are entities which are controlled by Tenaris as a result of its ownership of more than 50% of the voting rights or its ability to otherwise govern an entity's financial and operating policies. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is exercised by the Company and are no longer consolidated from the date that the Company ceases to have control. The Company has applied IFRS 3 for all business combinations after March 31, 2004. The purchase method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition of subsidiaries by the Company. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value of the assets given, equity instruments issued and liabilities incurred or assumed at the date of acquisition, plus costs directly attributable to the acquisition. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are measured initially at their fair values at the acquisition date. The excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the Company's share of the identifiable net assets acquired is recorded as goodwill. If the cost of acquisition is less than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognized directly in the income statement. Material intercompany transactions and balances between Tenaris subsidiaries have been eliminated in consolidation. However, the fact that the functional currency of some subsidiaries is their respective local currency, generates some financial gains (losses) arising from intercompany transactions, that are included in the consolidated income statement under Financial income (expense), net. See Note 31 for the list of the consolidated subsidiaries. -7-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Associated companies Investments in associated companies are accounted for by the equity method of accounting and initially recognized at cost. Associated companies are companies in which Tenaris owns between 20% and 50% of the voting rights or over which Tenaris has significant influence, but does not have control. Unrealized results on transactions between Tenaris and its associated companies are eliminated to the extent of Tenaris' interest in the associated companies. Unrealized losses are also eliminated but considered an impairment indicator of the asset transferred. Accounting policies of associated companies have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Company. The Company's pro-rata share of earnings in associated companies is recorded in Equity in earnings of profit of associated companies. The Company's pro-rata share of changes in other reserves is recognized in reserves in the Statement of Changes in Equity. The Company's investment in Ternium S.A. ("Ternium") has been accounted for under the equity method, as Tenaris has significant influence as defined in IAS 28, Investments in Associates. At December 31, 2005, Tenaris held 15.0% of Ternium's common stock. The Company's investment in Ternium is carried at historical cost plus proportional ownership of Ternium's earnings and other shareholders' equity accounts. Because the exchange of its holdings in Amazonia and Ylopa for shares in Ternium was considered to be a transaction between companies under common control of San Faustin N.V., Tenaris recorded its initial ownership interest in Ternium at $229.7 million, the carrying value of the investments exchanged. This value is $22.6 million less than Tenaris' proportional ownership of Ternium's shareholders' equity at the transaction date. As a result of this treatment, Tenaris' investment in Ternium will not reflect its proportional ownership of Ternium's net equity position. Ternium carried out an initial public offering of its shares on February 1, 2006, listing its shares on the New York Stock Exchange. See Note 12 for a list of principal associated companies. C Segment information The Company is organized around four major business segments: Seamless, Welded and Other Metallic Products, Energy and Others. A business segment is a group of assets and operations that are subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. The secondary reporting format is based on geographical segments. For geographical purposes, Tenaris groups its operations into five segments: South America, Europe, North America, Middle East and Africa, and Far East and Oceania. Allocation of net sales is based on the geographic location of the Company's customers, while allocation of assets and capital expenditures and associated depreciation and amortization are based on the geographic location of the assets. D Foreign Currency Translation (1) Functional currency IAS 21(revised) defines the functional currency as the currency of the primary economic environment in which an entity operates. The functional currency of Tenaris S.A. is the U.S. dollar. The U.S. dollar is the currency that best reflects the economic substance of the underlying events and circumstances relevant to the Company's global operations. Generally, the functional currency of Tenaris's subsidiaries is the respective local currency. The Company's Argentine operations, however, which consist of Siderca S.A.I.C. ("Siderca") and its Argentine subsidiaries, have determined their functional currency to be the U.S. dollar, based on the following considerations: o Sales are mainly negotiated, denominated and settled in U.S. dollars. If priced in a currency other than the U.S. dollar, the price considers exposure to fluctuation in the rate of exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar; o Prices of critical raw materials and inputs are priced and settled in U.S. dollars; o The exchange rate of the currency of Argentina has long-been affected by recurring and severe economic crises; o Net financial assets and liabilities are mainly received and maintained in U.S. dollars. -8-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to Siderca, the Company's commercial network subsidiaries and intermediate holding subsidiaries also use the U.S. dollar as their functional currency, reflecting the transaction environment and cash flow of these operations. (2) Translation of financial information in currencies other than the functional currency Results of operations for subsidiaries whose functional currencies are not the U.S. dollar are translated into U.S. dollars at the average exchange rates for each quarter of the year. Balance sheet positions are translated at the end-of-year exchange rates. Translation differences are recognized in equity as currency translation adjustments. In the case of a sale or other disposal of any such subsidiary, any accumulated translation difference would be recognized in income as a gain or loss from the sale. (3) Transactions in currencies other than the functional currency Transactions in currencies other than the functional currency are accounted for at the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transactions. Gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions, including intercompany transactions, and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency, are recorded as gains and losses from foreign exchange and included in Financial income (expense), net in the income statement. E Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment are recognized at historical acquisition or construction cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Property, Plant and Equipment acquired through acquisitions accounted for as business combinations have been valued initially at the fair market value of the assets acquired. Major overhaul and rebuilding expenditures are capitalized as property, plant and equipment only when the investment enhances the condition of assets beyond its original condition. Ordinary maintenance expenses on manufacturing properties are recorded as cost of products sold in the year in which they are incurred. Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition or construction of certain capital assets are capitalized as part of the cost of the asset, in accordance with IAS 23, Borrowing Costs. Capital assets for which borrowing costs may be capitalized are those that require a substantial period of time to prepare for their intended use. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to amortize the cost of each asset to its residual value over its estimated useful life, as follows: Buildings and improvements 30-50 years Plant and production equipment 10-20 years Vehicles, furniture and fixtures, and other equipment 4-10 years The residual values and useful lives of significant plant and equipment are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each year-end date. Any charges from such reviews are included in Cost of sales in the income statement. Estimating useful lives for depreciation is particularly difficult as the service lives of assets are also impacted by maintenance and changes in technology, and the Company's ability to adapt technological innovation to the existing asset base. As a result, management considers estimation of asset lived as a critical accounting estimate. Management's reestimation of asset useful lives did not materially affect depreciation expense for 2005. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing net proceeds with the carrying amount of assets. These are included in Other operating income or Other operating expense in the income statement. -9-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F Impairment of non financial assets Events and circumstances may potentially affect the recoverability of the carrying value of tangible and intangible assets, including investments in associated and other companies. The carrying value of other non financial assets is evaluated whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the assets's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in use. Assets other than goodwill that have been impaired are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at each reporting date. Goodwill is tested for impairment on an annual basis. Assessment of the recoverability of the carrying value of goodwill and other non financial assets require a significant judgment. The Company evaluates goodwill allocated to the operating units for impairment on an annual basis in accordance with IAS 36, Impairment of Assets (see AP G). Although management believes its estimates and projections are appropriate based on currently available information, the actual operating performance of an asset or group of assets which has been tested for impairment may be significantly different from current expectations. In such an event, the carrying value of goodwill, investments in associates and other non-financial assets may be different from amounts currently recorded and materially affect asset values and results of operations. G Intangible assets (1) Goodwill Goodwill represents the excess of the acquisition cost over the fair value of the Company's share of net assets acquired as part of business combinations. In accordance with IFRS 3, beginning January 1, 2005, goodwill is considered to have an indefinite life and is not amortized, but is subject to annual impairment testing. In the event of impairment, impairment losses on goodwill are not reversed. No impairment losses related to goodwill were recorded by the Company during the three years covered by these financial statements. Goodwill is included in `Intangible assets, net' on the balance sheet. Gains and losses on the disposal of a business include the carrying amount of any goodwill related to the business being sold. Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units for the purpose of impairment testing. The allocation is made to those cash-generating units or groups of cash-generating units expected to benefit from the business combination which generated the goodwill being tested. Negative goodwill represents an excess of the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired in a business combination over the cost of the acquisition. IFRS 3 requires negative goodwill to be recognized immediately as a gain in the income statement. (2) Information systems projects Generally, costs associated with developing or maintaining computer software programs are recognized as an expense as incurred. However, costs directly related to the development, acquisition and implementation of information systems are recognized as intangible assets if it is probable they have economic benefits exceeding beyond one year. Information systems projects recognized as assets are amortized using the straight-line method over their useful lives, not exceeding a period of 3 years. Amortization charges are classified as Selling, general and administrative expenses in the income statement. (3) Licenses and patents Expenditures on purchased patents, trademarks, technology transfer and licenses are capitalized and amortized using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives. -10-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) Research and development Research expenditures are recognized as expenses as incurred. Development costs are recorded as cost of sales in the income statement as incurred because they do not fulfill the criteria for capitalization. Research and development expenditures for the years ended 2005, 2004 and 2003 totaled $34.7, $26.3 and $21.9 million, respectively. H Other Investments Other investments consist primarily of investments in financial debt instruments and equity investments where the Company holds less than 20% of the outstanding equity and does not exert significant influence. IAS 39 (revised), "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement" ("IAS 39"), with effect as of January 1, 2005, requires that financial investments be classified depending on the intent for the investment. IAS 39 (revised) specifies four categories: financial assets held at "fair value through profit or loss", "held-to-maturity investments", "loans and receivables" and "available-for-sale". Investments that do not fulfill the specific requirements of IAS 39 for financial assets at "fair value through profit or loss", "held-to-maturity investments" or "loans and receivables" categories are included in the residual "available-for-sale" category. All of Tenaris's investments are classified as financial assets "at fair value through profit or loss". As explained in section IV., the Company applied the transition provisions of IAS 39 and designated as "financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss" the investments that were previously recognized as "available-for-sale". Purchases and sales of financial investments are recognized as of the trade date, which is the date that Tenaris commits to purchase or sell the investment, and which is not significantly different from the actual settlement date. Subsequent to their acquisition, the change in fair value of financial investments designated as held at fair value through profit or loss is charged to financial income (expense) in the income statement. Income from financial investments is recognized in Financial income (expense), net in the income statement. Interest receivable on investments in debt securities is calculated using the effective interest method. Dividends from investments in equity instruments are recognized in the income statement when the Company's right to receive payments is established. The fair values of quoted investments are based on current bid prices. If the market for a financial investment is not active or the securities are not listed, the Company estimates fair value by using standard valuation techniques. I Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (calculated principally on the first-in-first-out "FIFO" method) and net realizable value as a whole. The cost of finished goods and goods in process is comprised of raw materials, direct labor, other direct costs and related production overhead costs. Net realizable value is estimated collectively for inventories as the sales price in the ordinary course of business, less any costs of completion and selling expenses. Goods in transit at year end are valued at supplier invoice cost. For purposes of determining net realizable value, the Company establishes an allowance for obsolete or slow-moving inventory related to finished goods, supplies and spare parts. For slow moving or obsolete finished products, an allowance is established for based on management's analysis of product aging. An allowance for slow-moving inventory of supplies and spare parts is established based on management's analysis of such items to be used as intended and the consideration of potential obsolescence due to technological changes. J Trade receivables Trade receivables are recognized initially at original invoice amount. The Company analyzes its trade accounts receivable on a regular basis and, when aware of a specific client's difficulty or inability to meet its obligations to Tenaris, impairs any amounts due by means of a charge to an allowance for doubtful accounts receivable. Additionally, this allowance is adjusted periodically based on the aging of receivables. -11-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of cash in banks, short-term money market funds and highly liquid short-term securities with a maturity of less than 90 days at date of purchase. Assets recorded in cash and cash equivalents are carried at fair market value, or at historical cost which approximates fair market value. For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents is comprised of cash, bank accounts and short-term highly liquid investments and overdrafts. On the balance sheet, bank overdrafts are included in borrowings in current liabilities. L Shareholder' Equity (1) Basis of presentation The consolidated statement of changes in equity includes: o The value of share capital, legal reserve, share premium and other distributable reserve calculated in accordance with Luxembourg Law; o The currency translation adjustments, retained earnings, minority interest and other reserves calculated in accordance with IFRS; (2) Share Capital Ordinary shares are classified as equity. (3) Dividends Paid by Tenaris to Shareholders Dividends payable are recorded in Tenaris' financial statements in the year in which they are approved by the Company's shareholders, or when interim dividends are approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with the by-laws of the Company. Dividends may be paid by Tenaris to the extent that it has distributable retained earnings, calculated in accordance with Luxembourg law. As a result, retained earnings included in the consolidated financial statements may not be wholly distributable. See Note 26 (v). M Borrowings Borrowings are recognized initially for an amount equal to the proceeds received net of transaction costs. In subsequent years, borrowings are stated at amortized cost. Any difference between net proceeds and redemption value is recognized as interest expense within Financial income (expense) in the income statement over the expected tenor of the borrowings. N Income Taxes - Current and Deferred Under present Luxembourg law, the Company is not subject to income tax, withholding tax on dividends paid to shareholders or capital gains tax payable in Luxembourg as long as the Company maintains its status as a "Holding Billionaire Company". The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws in effect in the countries where the Company's subsidiaries operate and generate taxable income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulations is subject to interpretation and establishes provisions when appropriate. Deferred income taxes are calculated applying the liability method on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. The principal temporary differences arise from the effect of currency translation on fixed assets, depreciation on property, plant and equipment, valuation of inventories and provisions for pensions. Deferred tax assets are also recognized for net -12-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- operating loss carry-forwards. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the time period when the asset is realized or the liability is expected to settled, based on tax laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent it is probable that future taxable income will be available to utilize those recognized deferred tax assets against such income. O Employee-related liabilities (a) Employee severance indemnity Employee severance indemnity costs are assessed annually using the projected unit credit method. Employee severance indemnity obligations are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows, based on actuarial calculations provided by independent advisors and in accordance with current legislation and labor contracts in effect in each respective country. The cost of this obligation is charged to the income statement over the expected service lives of employees. This provision is primarily related to the liability accrued for employees at Tenaris' Italian and Mexican subsidiaries. (b) Defined benefit pension obligations Certain officers of the Company are covered by defined benefit employee retirement plans designed to provide post-retirement, termination and other benefits. Post-retirement costs are assessed using the projected unit credit method. Post-retirement obligations are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows, based on actuarial calculations provided by independent advisors. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized over the average remaining service lives of employees. Benefits provided under the Company's main plan are provided in U.S. dollars, and are calculated based on seven-year salary averages. Tenaris accumulates assets for the payment of benefits expected to be disbursed by this plan in the form of investments that are subject to time limitations for redemption. These investments are neither part of a specific pension plan nor are they segregated from the Company's other assets. As a result, this plan is considered to be "unfunded" under IFRS definitions. Certain other officers and former employees of one specific Tenaris subsidiary are covered by a separate plan defined as "funded" under IFRS definitions. (c) Other compensation obligations Employee entitlements to annual leave and long-service leave are accrued as earned. Other length of service based compensation to employees in the event of dismissal or death is charged to income in the year in which it becomes payable. P Employee statutory profit sharing Under Mexican law, the Company's Mexican subsidiaries are required to pay their employees an annual benefit calculated on a basis similar to that used for local income tax purposes. Employee statutory profit sharing is calculated using the liability method, and is recorded in Current other liabilities and Non-current other liabilities on the balance sheet. Because Mexican employee statutory profit sharing is determined on a basis similar to that used for determining local income taxes, the Company accounts for temporary differences arising between the statutory calculation and reported expense as determined under IFRS in a manner similar to the calculation of deferred income tax. -13-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q Provisions and other liabilities Provisions are accrued to reflect estimates of expenses incurred based on best available information. Estimates are based on information available as of the date of preparation of the financial statements. If Tenaris expects to be reimbursed for an accrued expense, as would be the case for an expense or loss covered under an insurance contract, and reimbursement is considered virtually certain, the expected reimbursement is recognized as a receivable. Contingencies Tenaris is subject to various claims, lawsuits and other legal proceedings, including customer claims, in which a third party is seeking payment for alleged damages, reimbursement for losses or indemnity. The Company's potential liability with respect to such claims, lawsuits and other legal proceedings cannot be estimated with certainty. Management periodically reviews the status of each significant matter and assesses potential financial exposure. If a potential loss from a claim or proceeding is considered probable and the amount can be reasonably estimated, a liability is recorded. Accruals for loss contingencies reflect a reasonable estimate of the losses to be incurred based on information available to management as of the date of preparation of the financial statements, and take into consideration the Company's litigation and settlement strategies. These estimates are primarily constructed with the assistance of legal counsel. As the scope of liabilities become better defined, there may be changes in the estimates of future costs which could have a material adverse effect on its results of operations, financial condition and net worth. R Revenue recognition The Company's products and services are sold based upon purchase orders, contracts or upon other persuasive evidence of an arrangement with customers, including that the sales price is known or determinable and the arrangement does not include right of return or other similar provisions or other significant post-delivery obligations. Sales are recognized as revenue upon delivery and when collection is reasonably assured. Delivery is defined by the transfer of risk provision of sales contracts and may include delivery to a customer's storage facility located at one of the Company's subsidiaries. Other revenues earned by Tenaris are recognized on the following bases: o Interest income: on the effective yield basis. o Dividend income from investments in other companies: when Tenaris' right to collect is established. S Cost of sales and sales expenses Cost of sales and sales expenses are recognized in the income statement on the accrual basis of accounting. Shipping and handling costs related to customer sales are recorded in selling, general and administrative expense in the income statement. T Earnings per share Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net income attributable to equity holders of the Company by the daily weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the year. U Derivative financial instruments Accounting for derivative financial instruments and hedging activities is included within the section III, "Financial Risk Management", below. -14-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT The multinational nature of Tenaris' operations and customer base expose the Company to a variety of risks, including the effects of changes in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates. To manage the volatility related to these exposures, management evaluates exposures on a consolidated basis to take advantage of logical exposure netting. For a portion of the remaining exposures, the Company or its subsidiaries may enter into various derivative transactions in order to manage potential adverse impacts on the Company's financial performance. Such derivative transactions are executed in accordance with internal policies in areas such as counterparty exposure and hedging practices. A. Financial Risk Factors (i) Foreign exchange rate risk management Tenaris manufactures and sells its products in a number of countries throughout the world and as a result is exposed to foreign exchange rate risk. The purpose of the Company's foreign currency hedging program is to reduce the risk caused by short-term changes in exchange rates. Tenaris aims to neutralize the potential negative impact of currency fluctuations in the value of other currencies with respect to the dollar. Because a number of subsidiaries have functional currencies other than the U.S. dollar, the results of hedging activities as reported IFRS may not reflect management's assessment of its foreign exchange risk hedging program. (ii) Interest rate risk management The Company's financing strategy is to manage interest expense using a mixture of fixed-rate and variable-rate debt. To manage this risk in a cost efficient manner, Tenaris enters into interest rate swaps in which it agrees to exchange with the counterparty, at specified intervals, the difference between fixed and variable interest amounts calculated by reference to an agreed-upon notional principal amount. Dalmine and Tamsa have entered into interest rate swaps related to long-term debt to partially hedge future interest payments, as well as to convert borrowings from floating to fixed rates. (iii) Concentration of credit risk The Company's single largest customer is Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex. Sales to Pemex, as a percentage of our total sales, amounted to approximately 8% in 2005. The Company's credit policies related to sales of products and services are designed to identify customers with acceptable credit history, and to allow the Company to require the use of credit insurance, letters of credit and other instruments designed to minimize credit risk whenever deemed necessary. Tenaris maintains allowances for potential credit losses. Derivative counterparties and cash transactions are limited to high credit quality financial institutions. We have established strict counterparty credit guidelines and normally enter into transactions with investment grade financial institutions. (iv) Liquidity risk Management maintains sufficient cash and marketable securities or credit facilities to finance normal operations. The Company also has committed credit facilities that adequately backup its ability to close out market positions if needed. -15-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Fair value estimation For purposes of estimating the fair value of financial assets and liabilities with maturities of less than one year, the market value was considered. Most borrowings are comprised of variable rate debt or fixed rate debt that in general terms are comparable to market rates. As a result, the fair value of the Company's borrowings approximates its current amounts and is not disclosed separately. C. Accounting for Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedging Activities Derivative financial instruments are initially recognized in the balance sheet at cost and subsequently remeasured at fair value. The Company recognizes the full amount related to the change in fair value of derivative financial instruments in "Financial income (expense), net" in the current year. Tenaris does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for speculative trading purposes. IV. IMPACT OF NEW ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS Interpretations and amendments to published standards effective in 2005 IASB Project to Improve International Financial Reporting Standards In December 2003, as a part of the project to improve International Financial Reporting Standards, the IASB released revisions to certain standards including: IAS 1, "Presentation of Financial Statements"; IAS 16, "Property, Plant and Equipment"; IAS 39 (Amendment), "Transition and initial recognition of financial assets and financial liabilities"; and, IFRS 3, "Business Combinations". The revised standards apply to annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2005. Adoption of new or revised standards has been made in accordance with the respective transition provisions. The main impacts to the Company's consolidated financial statements are: (a) Presentation of minority interest IAS 1 (revised) requires disclosure on the face of the income statement of an entity's income or loss for the year and the allocation of that amount between "income or loss attributable to minority interest" and "income or loss attributable to equity holders of the Company". Earnings per share continue to be calculated on the basis of net income attributable solely to the equity holders of the entity. Also, for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2005, minority interest is included within equity in the consolidated balance sheet and is no longer shown as a separate category in the Liabilities section of the balance sheet. This change resulted in an increase of $165.3 million in the Company's reported equity at January 1, 2005. (b) Reestimation of Plant and Equipment Useful Lives International Accounting Standard No. 16, Property, Plant and Equipment, requires for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2005, that the residual value and the useful life of fixed assets be reviewed at least at each financial year-end, and, if expectations differ from previous estimates, for the change to be treated as a change in an accounting estimate. The impact of the reestimation of useful lives for the Company's plant and equipment for the year ended December 31, 2005 was not material. -16-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interpretations and amendments to published standards effective in 2005 (Cont'd.) (c) IAS 39 (revised), Financial Instruments: recognition and measurement In accordance with the transition provisions of IAS 39 (revised), the Company designated certain investments in financial instruments previously recognized as "available for sale" as "financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss". Accordingly, the Company changed the classification of these financial investments using the new designation in its financial statements. Financial investments are included in current assets unless management intends to dispose the investment more than 12 months from the balance sheet date. (d) IFRS 3, Business Combinations: Goodwill and Negative Goodwill During 2004 International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 3, "Business Combinations" was issued, which was applied by the Company for all business combinations that occurred after March 31, 2004. As per this standard, prior to January 1, 2005 goodwill was amortized on a straight line basis over its estimated useful life, not to exceed 15 years, and tested for impairment at each balance sheet date in the event indicators of impairment were present. As required by IFRS 3, the Company ceased amortization of goodwill for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2005. In addition, accumulated amortization as of December 31, 2004 has been netted against the cost of the goodwill. For years ending on or after December 31, 2005 goodwill is required to be tested annually for impairment, as well as when there are indicators of impairment. Amortization of goodwill expense included in the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003 amounted to $9.4 million and $8.9 million respectively. Upon the adoption of IFRS 3, which must be adopted together with the revised IAS 38, Intangible Assets, and IAS 36, Impairment of Assets, previously accumulated negative goodwill is required to be derecognized through an adjustment to retained earnings. The derecognition of negative goodwill in this manner resulted in an increase of $110.8 million in the beginning balance of the Company's equity at January 1, 2005. Amortization of negative goodwill in income amounted to $9.0 million and $8.9 million in the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Management assessed the relevance of other new standards, amendments or interpretations and concluded that they are not relevant to the Company. Standards, interpretations and amendments to published standards that are not yet effective Certain new standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards have been published that are mandatory for the Company's accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2006, or later periods but which the Company has not early adopted as follows: IAS 19, Employee Benefits: Actuarial Gains and Losses, Group Plans and Disclosures (Amendment) On December 16, 2004, the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") issued International Accounting Standard No. 19, "Employee Benefits: Actuarial Gains and Losses, Group Plans and Disclosures (Amendment)" ("IAS 19"). IAS 19 gives entities the option of recognizing actuarial gains and losses in full during the period in which they occur, outside of profit and loss, in the statement of recognized income and expense. Previously, entities were only permitted to recognize actuarial gains and losses in profit and loss either (1) in the period in which they occur or (2) spread over the service life of employees. As the Company does not intend to change the accounting policy adopted for recognition of actuarial gains and losses and does not participate in any multi employer plans, adoption of this amendment will only impact the format and extent of disclosures in the financial statements. Tenaris will apply this amendment from annual periods beginning January 1, 2006. -17-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IAS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates - Net Investment in Foreign Operations In December 2005, the IASB issued an amendment to IAS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates - Net Investment in Foreign Operations. The amendment finalizes proposals that were contained in Draft Technical Correction 1 Proposed Amendments to IAS 21 Net Investment in a Foreign Operation published in September 2005 and is applicable for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2006. The Company's management has not yet assessed the impact of this standard on its financial statements. o IFRS 7, Financial Instruments: Disclosure, and a complementary amendment to IAS 1, presentation of financial statements - Capital disclosure IFRS 7 introduces new disclosures about financial instruments such as qualitative and quantitative information about exposures to risks arising from financial instruments. The Company will apply IFRS 7 and the amendment to IAS 1 for annual periods beginning on January 1, 2007. Management assessed the relevance of other new standards, amendments or interpretations not yet effective and concluded that they are not relevant to the Company. V. OTHER NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (In the notes all amount are shown in thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated) 1 Segment information Primary reporting format: business segments Welded and other metallic Seamless products Energy Others Unallocated Total ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------ Year ended December 31, 2005 Net sales 5,123,975 845,089 526,406 240,727 - 6,736,197 Cost of sales (2,720,858) (556,142) (513,401) (152,357) - (3,942,758) ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------ Gross profit 2,403,117 288,947 13,005 88,370 - 2,793,439 Segment assets 4,747,808 525,199 147,019 1,032,206 253,796 6,706,028 Segment liabilities 2,410,540 217,183 124,290 178,142 - 2,930,155 Capital expenditures 252,974 25,101 1,379 5,020 - 284,474 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets due to business combination 67,980 - . - - 67,980 Depreciation and amortization 182,617 15,545 2,514 13,551 - 214,227 Year ended December 31, 2004 Net sales 3,273,267 348,137 417,870 96,789 - 4,136,063 Cost of sales (2,075,164) (249,471) (398,462) (53,839) - (2,776,936) ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------ Gross profit 1,198,103 98,666 19,408 42,950 - 1,359,127 Segment assets 4,322,982 510,669 121,846 610,162 96,629 5,662,288 Segment liabilities 2,430,935 313,600 122,046 134,512 - 3,001,093 Capital expenditures 149,326 23,276 1,438 9,272 - 183,312 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets due to business combination 73,846 - - 117,251 - 191,097 Depreciation and amortization 185,118 12,665 3,554 6,782 - 208,119 -18-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended December 31, 2003 Net sales 2,388,177 350,745 333,207 107,523 - 3,179,652 Cost of sales (1,531,995) (274,643) (316,566) (84,623) - (2,207,827) ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------ Gross profit 856,182 76,102 16,641 22,900 - 971,825 Segment assets 3,534,575 408,498 105,629 217,846 43,000 4,309,548 Segment liabilities 1,959,274 252,993 91,982 44,035 - 2,348,284 Capital expenditures 129,405 24,245 5,380 3,594 - 162,624 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets due to business combination 28,535 - . 2,229 - 30,764 Depreciation and amortization 180,855 10,896 3,706 4,342 - 199,799 Tenaris' main business segment is seamless pipes. The main transactions between segments, which were eliminated in the consolidation, relate to sales of Energy to Seamless units for $107,393 in 2005, $86,721 in 2004 and $62,755 in 2003. Other transactions include sales of scrap and pipe protectors from the Others segment to Seamless units for $41,163, $36,765 and $37,647 in 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. -19-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secondary reporting format: geographical segments South America Europe North Middle East Far East Unallocated Total America and Africa and Oceania --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended December 31, 2005 Net sales 1,823,735 1,570,207 1,708,126 959,020 675,109 - 6,736,197 Total assets 2,092,857 1,502,634 2,213,075 289,363 354,303 253,796 6,706,028 Trade receivables 358,859 265,378 310,153 255,379 134,402 - 1,324,171 Property, plant and equipment, net 740,391 648,892 787,937 3,583 49,235 - 2,230,038 Capital expenditures 109,180 104,665 64,274 1,498 4,857 - 284,474 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets due to business combination - 67,980 - - - - 67,980 Depreciation and amortization 87,430 71,122 49,038 404 6,233 - 214,227 Year ended December 31, 2004 Net sales 824,800 1,236,795 1,140,326 524,874 409,268 - 4,136,063 Total assets 1,773,958 1,808,557 1,596,464 109,266 277,414 96,629 5,662,288 Trade receivables 143,731 346,628 295,896 81,369 69,307 - 936,931 Property, plant and equipment, net 728,468 635,939 737,507 4,645 58,042 - 2,164,601 Capital expenditures 83,003 29,694 64,845 2,257 3,513 - 183,312 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets due to business combination 121,145 69,952 - - - - 191,097 Depreciation and amortization 89,934 68,432 41,986 35 7,732 - 208,119 Year ended December 31, 2003 Net sales 752,175 958,772 754,262 392,707 321,736 - 3,179,652 Total assets 1,464,835 1,193,960 1,310,471 90,699 206,583 43,000 4,309,548 Trade receivables 123,969 286,651 138,899 69,216 34,047 - 652,782 Property, plant and equipment, net 624,542 557,637 716,952 2,376 58,807 - 1,960,314 Capital expenditures 63,636 47,965 42,988 358 7,677 - 162,624 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets due to business combination 25,583 2,978 2,203 - 30,764 Depreciation and amortization 103,548 58,196 31,908 16 6,131 - 199,799 The South American segment comprises principally Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil. The European segment comprises principally Italy, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Romania and Norway. The North American segment comprises principally Mexico, USA and Canada. The Middle East and Africa segment comprises principally Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria. The Far East and Oceania segment comprises principally China, Japan, Indonesia and South Korea. -20-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Cost of sales Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Inventories at the beginning of the year 1,269,470 831,879 680,113 Plus: Charges of the year Raw materials, energy, consumables and other movements 2,960,080 2,269,351 1,515,990 Services and fees 324,799 259,025 272,313 Labor cost 420,714 369,681 286,748 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 182,696 174,880 171,896 Amortization of intangible assets 5,025 12,748 6,763 Maintenance expenses 99,171 82,323 54,335 Provisions for contingencies 200 994 3,802 Allowance for obsolescence 20,303 23,167 6,011 Taxes 3,170 3,088 4,273 Others 33,243 19,270 37,462 ------------------------------------------------- 4,049,401 3,214,527 2,359,593 Less: Inventories at the end of the year (1,376,113) (1,269,470) (831,879) ------------------------------------------------- 3,942,758 2,776,936 2,207,827 ------------------------------------------------- 3 Selling, general and administrative expense Year ended December 31, ---------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Services and fees 122,953 121,269 129,237 Labor cost 214,216 157,114 134,769 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 10,319 10,218 8,477 Amortization of intangible assets 16,187 10,273 12,663 Commissions, freights and other selling expenses 298,101 250,085 189,353 Provisions for contingencies 14,855 12,142 2,005 Allowances for doubtful accounts 7,069 7,187 5,704 Taxes 93,782 59,256 45,337 Others 65,092 44,905 39,290 ---------------------------------------------------- 842,574 672,449 566,835 ---------------------------------------------------- -21-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Labor costs (included in Cost of sales and Selling, general and administrative expenses) Year ended December 31, --------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Wages, salaries and social security costs 622,523 509,572 410,458 Employees' severance indemnity (Note 22 (i)(a)) 10,617 12,907 9,988 Pension benefits - defined benefit plans (Note 22 (i)(b)) 1,790 4,316 1,071 --------------------------------------------- 634,930 526,795 421,517 --------------------------------------------- At the year-end, the number of employees was 17,693 in 2005, 16,447 in 2004 and 14,391 in 2003. 5 Other operating items Year ended December 31, --------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 (i) Other operating income Reimbursement from insurance companies and other third parties 1,966 3,165 1,544 Net income from other sales 5,767 16,063 4,075 Net income from disposition of investments in associated companies - - 1,018 Net rents 2,501 1,362 2,222 Fintecna arbitration award, net of legal expenses, related to BHP proceedings (Note 26 (i)) 1,752 123,000 - Power plant - reimbursement from supplier (Note 26 (iv)(d)) - 9,001 - --------------------------------------------- 11,986 152,591 8,859 --------------------------------------------- (ii) Other operating expense Provision for BHP proceedings - - 114,182 Provisions for legal claims and contingencies 8,694 - - Loss on disposal of fixed assets and material supplies 2,146 - - Allowance for doubtful receivables 1,443 2,104 1,728 Power plant - impairment and associated charges (Note 26 (iv)(d)) - 18,447 - Miscellaneous 2,122 5,200 9,749 --------------------------------------------- 14,405 25,751 125,659 --------------------------------------------- 6 Financial income (expense), net Year ended December 31, --------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Interest expense (53,504) (46,930) (33,134) Interest income 24,268 14,247 16,426 Net foreign exchange transaction (losses) / gains and changes in fair value of derivative instruments (86,618) 33,127 (16,165) Miscellaneous 6,116 5,358 3,453 --------------------------------------------- (109,738) 5,802 (29,420) --------------------------------------------- -22-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Equity in earnings of associated companies Year ended December 31, --------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Equity in earnings of associated companies (Note 12) 117,003 122,911 27,585 Change in the fair value of convertible debt option in Amazonia (Note 28 (d)) - 83,126 - Other 374 - - --------------------------------------------- 117,377 206,037 27,585 --------------------------------------------- 8 Income tax Year ended December 31, --------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Current tax 637,623 277,219 148,240 Deferred tax (Note 21) (61,837) (44,731) (63,862) --------------------------------------------- 575,786 232,488 84,378 Effect of currency translation on tax base (Note 21) (7,033) (12,112) (20,460) --------------------------------------------- 568,753 220,376 63,918 --------------------------------------------- The tax on Tenaris' income before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the tax rate in each country as follows: Year ended December 31, --------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Income before income tax 1,956,085 1,025,357 286,355 --------------------------------------------- Tax calculated at the tax rate in each country 592,153 268,488 99,060 Non taxable income / Non deductible expenses (32,408) (10,019) (27,907) Changes in the tax rates in Mexico - (25,886) - Effect of currency translation on tax base (a) (7,033) (12,112) (20,460) Effect of taxable exchange differences 17,087 10,742 13,367 Utilization of previously unrecognized tax losses (1,046) (10,837) (142) --------------------------------------------- Tax charge 568,753 220,376 63,918 --------------------------------------------- (a) Tenaris applies the liability method to recognize deferred income tax expense on temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. By application of this method, Tenaris recognizes gains and losses on deferred income tax due to the effect of the change in the value of the Argentine peso on the tax bases of the fixed assets of its Argentine subsidiaries, which have the U.S. dollar as their functional currency. These gains and losses are required by IFRS even though the devalued tax basis of the relevant assets will result in a reduced dollar value of amortization deductions for tax purposes in future periods throughout the useful life of those assets. As a result, the resulting deferred income tax charge does not represent a separate obligation of Tenaris that is due and payable in any of the relevant periods. -23-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Earnings and dividends per share (i) Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net income attributable to equity holders of the Company by the daily weighted average number of ordinary shares issued during the year. Year ended December 31, ---------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Net income attributable to equity holders 1,277,547 784,703 210,308 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands) 1,180,537 1,180,507 1,167,230 Basic and diluted earnings per share 1.08 0.66 0.18 Basic and diluted earnings per ADS 10.82 6.65 1.80 Dividends paid (349,439) (135,053) (115,002) Dividends per share 0.296 0.11 0.10 Dividends per ADS 2.960 1.14 0.99 10 Property, plant and equipment, net Land, building Plant and Vehicles, Work in Spare parts Total and improvements production furniture and progress and Year ended December 31, 2005 equipment fixtures equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost Values at the beginning of the year 353,416 5,386,286 118,193 84,942 19,263 5,962,100 Translation differences 5,566 (104,101) (244) 388 (844) (99,235) Additions 2,722 10,159 2,494 238,314 10,706 264,395 Disposals / Consumptions (2,043) (9,344) (3,322) - (5,119) (19,828) Transfers / Reclassifications 24,593 118,426 6,843 (150,097) 231 (4) Increase due to business combinations 23,937 40,755 2,351 168 - 67,211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Values at the end of the year 408,191 5,442,181 126,315 173,715 24,237 6,174,639 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depreciation Accumulated at the beginning of the year 128,148 3,568,058 94,577 - 6,716 3,797,499 Translation differences 1,778 (37,199) (158) - (376) (35,955) Depreciation charge 13,177 170,491 8,649 - 698 193,015 Disposals / Consumptions (515) (7,047) (2,229) - (167) (9,958) Transfers / Reclassifications (6,357) 6,373 (16) - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated at the end of the 136,231 3,700,676 100,823 - 6,871 3,944,601 year ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2005 271,960 1,741,505 25,492 173,715 17,366 2,230,038 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -24-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended December 31, 2004 Land, building Plant and Vehicles, Work in Spare parts Total and improvements production furniture and progress and equipment fixtures equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost Values at the beginning of the year 303,929 5,031,525 112,371 86,193 12,799 5,546,817 Translation differences 6,938 87,970 2,520 2,107 643 100,178 Additions 11,547 10,744 2,509 133,193 5,165 163,158 Disposals / Consumptions (3,928) (16,587) (4,521) (1,258) (828) (27,122) Transfers / Reclassifications 20,039 111,674 1,824 (135,293) 1,433 (323) Increase due to business combinations 14,891 172,665 3,490 - 51 191,097 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Values at the end of the year 353,416 5,397,991 118,193 84,942 19,263 5,973,805 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depreciation Accumulated at the beginning of the year 112,693 3,378,536 89,222 - 6,052 3,586,503 Translation differences 1,836 37,514 1,773 - 135 41,258 Depreciation charge 14,246 162,726 7,497 - 629 185,098 Disposals / Consumptions (603) (11,083) (3,567) - (17) (15,270) Transfers / Reclassifications (24) 365 (348) - (83) (90) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated at the end of the 128,148 3,568,058 94,577 - 6,716 3,797,499 year ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impairment (Note 26 (iv)(e)) - (11,705) - - - (11,705) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 225,268 1,818,228 23,616 84,942 12,547 2,164,601 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property, plant and equipment includes capitalized interest of $19,686. The net amount at December 31, 2005 is $2,754. 11 Intangible assets, net Year ended December 31, 2005 Information Licenses Goodwill (a) Negative Total system projects and patents goodwill (a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost Values at the beginning of the year 114,584 11,028 112,664 (133,886) 104,390 Effect of adopting IFRS 3 - - - 133,886 133,886 Translation differences (4,148) (1,172) - - (5,320) Additions 19,278 801 - - 20,079 Increase due to business combinations - - 769 - 769 Transfers / Reclassifications 4 - - - 4 Disposals (301) (372) - - (673) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Values at the end of the year 129,417 10,285 113,433 - 253,135 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amortization and impairment Accumulated at the beginning of the year 68,989 9,301 - (23,111) 55,179 Effect of adopting IFRS 3 - - - 23,111 23,111 Translation differences (3,852) (1,066) - - (4,918) Amortization charge 20,231 981 - - 21,212 Transfers/ Reclassifications - - - - - Disposals (204) (344) - - (548) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated at the end of the year 85,164 8,872 - - 94,036 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2005 44,253 1,413 113,433 - 159,099 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -25-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As disclosed in AP G (1), previously accumulated negative goodwill at December 31, 2004 was derecognized with a corresponding adjustment to Retained earnings. As a consequence, the opening balance of the Company's shareholders' equity at January 1, 2005 increased of $110.8 million. Year ended December 31, 2004 Information Licenses Negative system projects and patents Goodwill (a) goodwill (a) Total --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cost Values at the beginning of the year 88,802 10,490 142,904 (130,692) 111,504 Translation differences 3,850 579 164 (3,194) 1,399 Additions 20,022 132 - - 20,154 Transfers / Reclassifications 2,657 (173) - - 2,484 Disposals (747) - - - (747) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Values at the end of the year 114,584 11,028 143,068 (133,886) 134,794 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Amortization Accumulated at the beginning of the year 42,101 8,561 20,882 (14,077) 57,467 Translation differences 2,695 522 172 - 3,389 Amortization charge 21,600 1,105 9,350 (9,034) 23,021 Transfers/ Reclassifications 3,138 (887) - - 2,251 Disposals (545) - - - (545) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated at the end of the year 68,989 9,301 30,404 (23,111) 85,583 --------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 45,595 1,727 112,664 (110,775) 49,211 --------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Corresponds to the Seamless segment Impairment tests for goodwill Goodwill is allocated to the Company's cash-generating units ("CGU") identified according to country of operation and business segment. 11 Intangible assets, net (Cont'd.) A geographical segment-level summary of the goodwill allocation is presented below. Year ended December 31, --------------------------------- 2005 2004 South America 93,239 93,239 Europe 769 - North America 19,425 19,425 --------------------------------- At the end of the year 113,433 112,664 --------------------------------- The recoverable amount of goodwill allocated to a CGU is determined based on its value-in-use. These calculations use cash flow projections based on financial assumptions approved by management covering at least a minimum period of five years. Cash flows beyond the minimum period are extrapolated using estimated growth rates. No impairment charge was required as a result of the impairment tests performed. 12 Investments in associated companies Year ended December 31, --------------------- 2005 2004 At the beginning of year 99,451 45,814 Translation differences (22,869) (21,094) Equity in earnings of associated companies 117,003 122,911 Dividends and distributions received (59,127) (48,598) Acquisitions - 418 Capitalization of convertible loan in Amazonia (see note 28 (d)) 120,058 - Increase in equity reserves in Ternium (see note 28 (d)) 2,718 - --------------------- At the end of year 257,234 99,451 --------------------- -26-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The principal associated companies are: Country of Percentage of ownership and Value at December 31, Company incorporation voting rights at December 31, ---------------------------------- 2005 2004 2005 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ternium S.A. Luxembourg 15.00% - 253,796 - Consorcio Siderurgia Amazonia Ltd. Cayman Islands - 14.49% - 76,007 Ylopa Servicos de Consultadoria Lda. Madeira - 24.40% - 20,622 Condusid C.A. Venezuela 20.00% 20.00% 2,860 2,375 Others - - - 578 447 --------------------------- 257,234 99,451 --------------------------- Summarized financial information of each significant associated company, including the aggregated amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and profit or loss is as follows: Company Assets Liabilities Revenues Profit/Loss 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 2005 2004 Ternium S.A. 8,659,981 - 5,084,062 - 4,447,680 - 704,406 - Consorcio Siderurgia Amazonia Ltd. (a) - 878,829 - 354,279 - 526,446 - 507,965 Ylopa Servicos de Consultadoria Lda. (b) - 800,289 - 715,772 - 205,080 - 203,763 Condusid C.A. 33,109 31,445 18,586 19,571 56,911 29,619 3,877 (1,794) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) An impairment provision recorded in 2003 of $51.9 million was reversed in 2004 due to improved economic conditions and an improvement in the market for Sidor's products, based on projections of future cash flows estimated by Amazonia's management. (b) At December 31, 2004 the retained earnings of Ylopa Servicos de Consultadoria Lda. ("Ylopa") totalled $77.1 million. 13 Other investments - non current Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 Deposits with insurance companies 12,004 11,315 Investments in other companies 12,869 12,702 Others 774 378 ------------------------------------ 25,647 24,395 ------------------------------------ -27-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Receivables - non current Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------- 2005 2004 Government entities 5,918 4,064 Employee advances and loans 5,053 5,086 Tax credits 6,121 8,455 Trade receivables 1,108 1,112 Receivables from related parties 3,321 4,750 Convertible loans (Note 28 (d)) 40,358 121,955 Receivables on off-take contract 9,677 7,338 Miscellaneous 9,746 11,777 ------------------------------------ 81,302 164,537 Allowances for doubtful accounts (Note 23 (i)) (15,450) (13,172) ------------------------------------ 65,852 151,365 ------------------------------------ 15 Inventories Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 Finished goods 479,756 526,623 Goods in process 404,518 256,203 Raw materials 183,900 196,141 Supplies 241,974 214,604 Goods in transit 151,715 143,021 ------------------------------------ 1,461,863 1,336,592 Allowance for obsolescence (Note 24 (i)) (85,750) (67,122) ------------------------------------ 1,376,113 1,269,470 ------------------------------------ 16 Receivables and prepayments Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 Reimbursements and other services receivable 25,044 33,306 Government entities 19,044 15,999 Employee advances and loans 7,922 8,281 Advances to suppliers 49,219 35,397 Other advances 1,624 2,218 Government tax refunds on exports 16,410 19,683 Fintecna arbitration award (Note 26 (i)) - 126,126 Receivables from related parties 13,695 19,004 Miscellaneous 23,411 27,782 ------------------------------------ 156,369 287,796 Allowance for other doubtful accounts (Note 24 (i)) (13,087) (8,346) ------------------------------------ 143,282 279,450 ------------------------------------ -28-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Current tax assets Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 V.A.T. credits 90,000 82,580 Prepaid taxes 12,455 12,416 ------------------------------------ 102,455 94,996 ------------------------------------ 18 Trade receivables Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 Current accounts 1,256,882 848,304 Notes receivables 60,972 83,882 Receivables from related parties 31,279 28,909 ------------------------------------ 1,349,133 961,095 Allowance for doubtful accounts (Note 24 (i)) (24,962) (24,164) ------------------------------------ 1,324,171 936,931 ------------------------------------ 19 Cash and cash equivalents, and Other investments Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 (i) Other investments Financial assets 119,907 119,666 ------------------------------------ (ii) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and short-term highly liquid investments 707,356 311,573 Time deposits with related parties - 6 ------------------------------------ 707,356 311,579 ------------------------------------ 20 Borrowings Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 Non-current Bank borrowings 634,280 372,275 Debentures and other loans 38,407 40,845 Finance lease liabilities 5,425 7,631 ------------------------------------ 678,112 420,751 ------------------------------------ Current Bank borrowings 238,510 530,949 Debentures and other loans 67,451 300,856 Bank overdrafts 24,717 4,255 Finance lease liabilities 1,502 2,531 ------------------------------------ 332,180 838,591 ------------------------------------ Total Borrowings 1,010,292 1,259,342 ------------------------------------ -29-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The maturity of borrowings is as follows: At December 31, 2005 1 year 1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4 4 - 5 Over 5 or less years years Years years Years Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Financial leases 1,502 1,184 970 739 678 1,854 6,927 Other borrowings 330,678 155,337 207,708 159,343 87,843 62,456 1,003,365 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total borrowings 332,180 156,521 208,678 160,082 88,521 64,310 1,010,292 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Significant borrowings include: o $300.0 million syndicated loan issued by Tamsa in March, 2005, maturing in March 2010. o $125.0 million syndicated loan issued by Siderca in April, 2005, maturing in April, 2008. o $144.0 million syndicated loan granted to Dalmine in June, 2005, of which $72.0 million had been disbursed as of December 31, 2005. The main financial covenants related to these loan agreements are commitment not to incur in additional indebtedness above agreed limits or pledges of certain assets, and compliance with certain debt service ratios as calculated on each subsidiary's financial statements. Additionally, Tenaris total borrowings include $204.8 million secured by certain properties of Dalmine and Confab. As of December 31, 2005, Tenaris was in compliance with all of its financial covenants. Management believes that current debt covenants allow the Company a high degree of operational and financial flexibility and do not impair its ability to obtain additional financing at competitive costs. The average interest rates shown below were calculated using the rates set for each instrument in its corresponding currency and weighted using the dollar-equivalent outstanding principal amount of said instruments at December 31, 2005 and 2004. These rates reflect the upward trend in the reference rates. 2005 2004 ----------------- ------------------ Bank borrowings 5.14% 3.89% Debentures and other loans 4.51% 3.48% Finance lease liabilities 3.14% 2.99% Breakdown of long-term borrowings by currency and rate is as follows: Non current bank borrowings Currency Interest rates Year ended December 31, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 USD Variable 545,305 215,730 EUR Variable 93,621 160,026 EUR Fixed 30,709 9,794 JPY Variable 23,310 48,170 JPY Fixed 17,084 27,065 BRS Variable 23,306 24,099 MXN Variable - 24,406 ------------------------------------- 733,335 509,290 Less: Current portion of medium and long-term loans (99,055) (137,015) ------------------------------------- Total non current bank borrowings 634,280 372,275 ------------------------------------- -30-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non current debentures and other loans Currency Interest rates Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 EUR Variable - 70,811 USD Variable 49,332 45,382 USD Fixed - 5,449 --------------------------- 49,332 121,642 Less: Current portion of medium and long-term loans (10,925) (80,797) --------------------------- Total non current Debentures and other loans 38,407 40,845 =========================== The Debentures issued in January 1998 were repaid at maturity, in January, 2005. Non current finance lease liabilities Currency Interest rates Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 EUR Variable 29 573 EUR Fixed - 78 SGD Fixed - 9 JPY Fixed 6,898 9,502 --------------------------- 6,927 10,162 Less: Current portion of medium and long-term loans (1,502) (2,531) --------------------------- Total non current finance leases 5,425 7,631 =========================== The carrying amounts of Tenaris' assets pledged as collateral of liabilities are as follows: Year ended December 31, --------------------------- 2005 2004 Property, plant and equipment mortgages 595,627 573,513 =========================== Breakdown of short-term borrowings by currency and rate is as follows: Current bank borrowings Currency Interest rates Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2005 2004 USD Variable 50,597 161,357 USD Fixed 55,946 153,448 EUR Variable 64,810 51,232 EUR Fixed 1,882 3,111 JPY Variable 10,741 11,985 JPY Fixed 5,226 4,995 BRS Variable 5,197 3,450 ARS Variable - 169 ARS Fixed 44,111 134,004 VEB Variable - 5,189 VEB Fixed - 2,009 ----------------------------------- Total current bank borrowings 238,510 530,949 =================================== -31-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bank overdrafts Currency Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 USD 16,406 326 EUR 3,298 567 ARS 3,193 3,050 NGN - 195 RON - 117 VEB 1,820 - ----------------------------------- Total current bank borrowings 24,717 4,255 =================================== Current debentures and other loans Currency Interest rates Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 EUR Variable 51,333 280,156 USD Variable 16,118 9,177 USD Fixed - 11,523 ----------------------------- Total current debentures and other loans 67,451 300,856 ============================= Current finance lease liabilities Currency Interest rates Year ended December 31, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 EUR Variable - 573 EUR Fixed 29 78 SGD Fixed - 2 JPY Fixed 1,473 1,878 ----------------------------- Total current finance leases 1,502 2,531 ============================= 21 Deferred income tax Deferred income taxes are calculated in full on temporary differences under the liability method using the tax rate of each country. -32-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The movement on the deferred income tax account is as follows: Year ended December 31, ----------------------------- 2005 2004 At the beginning of the year 210,802 287,521 Translation differences 8,605 (926) Increase due to business combinations - 392 Income statement credit (61,837) (44,731) Effect of currency translation on tax base (7,033) (12,112) Deferred employees' statutory profit sharing charge 7,984 (19,342) -------------- ------------- At the end of the year 158,521 210,802 ============== ============= The evolution of deferred tax assets and liabilities during the year are as follows: Deferred tax liabilities Fixed assets Inventories Other (a) Total at 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- At the beginning of the year 204,243 63,453 104,279 371,975 Translation differences 19,486 2,482 489 22,457 Income statement charge/(credit) 3,641 (20,335) (24,343) (41,037) --------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2005 227,370 45,600 80,425 353,395 =============================================================== Fixed assets Inventories Other (a) Total at 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------- At beginning of year 232,791 52,637 132,905 418,333 Translation differences 6,449 94 2,076 8,619 Increase due to business combinations - - 392 392 Acquisition of minority interest in subsidiaries 20 276 (338) (42) Income statement (credit)/charge (35,017) 10,446 (30,756) (55,327) --------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 204,243 63,453 104,279 371,975 =============================================================== (a) Includes the effect of currency translation on tax base explained in Note 8 Deferred tax assets Provisions and allowances Inventories Tax losses Other Total at 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- At beginning of year (62,629) (41,292) (15,707) (41,545) (161,173) Translation differences (13,239) (232) 792 (1,173) (13,852) Income statement charge/(credit) 43,237 (32,690) 2,922 (33,318) (19,849) --------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2005 (32,631) (74,214) (11,993) (76,036) (194,874) =============================================================== Provisions and allowances Inventories Tax losses(a) Other Total at 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- At beginning of year (75,925) (28,307) ( 8,287) (18,293) (130,812) Translation differences (7,365) (316) (351) (1,513) (9,545) Acquisition of minority interest in subsidiaries (49) - - 91 42 Income statement charge/(credit) 20,710 (12,669) (7,069) (21,830) (20,858) --------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 (62,629) (41,292) (15,707) (41,545) (161,173) =============================================================== (a) The tax loss carry-forwards arising from the BHP settlement is included in provisios and allowances. -33-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when (1) there is a legally enforceable right to setoff current tax assets against current tax liabilities and (2) the deferred income taxes relate to the same fiscal authority. The following amounts, determined after appropriate setoff, are shown in the consolidated balance sheet: Year ended December 31, ----------------------------------- 2005 2004 Deferred tax assets (194,874) (161,173) Deferred tax liabilities 353,395 371,975 ----------------------------------- 158,521 210,802 =================================== The amounts shown in the balance sheet include the following: Year ended December 31, ------------------------- 2005 2004 Deferred tax assets to be recovered after more than 12 months (49,662) (31,869) Deferred tax liabilities to be settled after more than 12 months 225,486 246,072 22 Other liabilities Year ended December 31, ------------------------ (i) Other liabilities - Non-current 2005 2004 Employee liabilities Employees' statutory profit sharing 64,010 68,917 Employee severance indemnity (a) 62,279 71,759 Pension benefits (b) 10,788 11,578 ------------------------ 137,077 152,254 Other liabilities Taxes payable 9,364 8,757 Miscellaneous 7,937 11,431 ------------------------ 17,301 20,188 ------------------------ 154,378 172,442 ======================== (a) Employees' severance indemnity The amounts recognized in the balance sheet are as follows: Year ended December 31, ------------------------ 2005 2004 Total included in non-current Employee liabilities 62,279 71,759 ======================== The amounts recognized in the income statement are as follows: Year ended December 31, -------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Current service cost 7,846 9,999 7,291 Interest cost 2,771 2,908 2,697 -------------------------------- Total included in Labor costs 10,617 12,907 9,988 ================================ The principal actuarial assumptions used were as follows: Year ended December 31, ----------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Discount rate 5% 4% 5% Rate of compensation increase 4% 3% 4% -34-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (b) Pension benefits The amounts recognized in the balance sheet are determined as follows: Year ended December 31, ----------------------------- 2005 2004 Present value of unfunded obligations 15,707 16,478 Unrecognized actuarial losses (4,919) (4,900) ----------------------------- Liability in the balance sheet 10,788 11,578 ============================= The amounts recognized in the income statement are as follows: Year ended December 31, -------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 Current service cost 544 571 381 Interest cost 917 875 637 Net actuarial losses recognized in the year 329 2,870 53 -------------------------------- Total included in Labor costs 1,790 4,316 1,071 ================================ Movement in the liability recognized in the balance sheet: Year ended December 31, ----------------------- 2005 2004 At the beginning of the year 11,578 8,569 Transfers and new participants of the plan - 1,244 Total expense 1,790 4,316 Translation differences (272) 167 Contributions paid (2,308) (2,718) ---------------------- At the end of year 10,788 11,578 ===================== The principal actuarial assumptions used were as follows: Year ended December 31, ------------------------------ 2005 2004 2003 Discount rate 7% 7% 7% Rate of compensation increase 2% 2% 2% Year ended December 31, ------------------------- (ii) Other liabilities - current 2005 2004 Payroll and social security payable 102,052 86,189 Accounts payable- BHP Settlement (Note 26 (i)) - 80,517 Liabilities with related parties 2,688 1,432 Miscellaneous 34,135 26,807 ------------------------- 138,875 194,945 ========================= -35-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Non-current allowances and provisions (i) Deducted from assets Allowance for doubtful accounts- Receivables Year ended December 31, ----------------------- 2005 2004 Values at the beginning of the year (13,172) (21,258) Translation differences 185 154 Reversals / Additional allowances (*) (81) 154 Used (*) (2,382) 7,778 ----------------------- At December 31, (15,450) (13,172) ======================= (*) Includes effect of allowances on off-take credits, which are reflected in the Cost of sales. (ii) Liabilities Legal claims and contingencies Year ended December 31, ----------------------- 2005 2004 Values at the beginning of the year 31,776 23,333 Translation differences 406 800 Increased due to business combinations - 2,355 Reversals / Additional provisions 16,015 7,438 Used (4,233) (2,150) ----------------------- At December 31, 43,964 31,776 ======================= 24 Current allowances and provisions (i) Deducted from assets Allowance for Allowance for other Allowance for doubtful accounts- doubtful accounts- inventory Trade receivables Other receivables obsolescence ---------------------------------------------------------------- Year ended December 31, 2005 Values at the beginning of the year (24,164) (8,346) (67,122) Translation differences 1,309 (174) 2,941 Reversals /Additional allowances (4,722) (3,709) (20,303) Increase due to business combinations (843) - (11,931) Used 3,458 (858) 10,665 ---------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2005 (24,962) (13,087) (85,750) ================================================================= Year ended December 31, 2004 Values at the beginning of the year (24,003) (5,761) (47,743) Translation differences (611) (83) (1,814) Reversals /Additional allowances (7,402) (2,043) (23,167) Increase due to business combinations (835) (484) (6,334) Used 8,687 25 11,936 ---------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 (24,164) (8,346) (67,122) ================================================================= -36-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ii) Liabilities Other claims and Sales risks contingencies Total ------------------------------------------ Year ended December 31, 2005 Values at the beginning of the year 5,509 37,127 42,636 Translation differences (518) (3,849) (4,367) Reversals / Additional provisions (493) 8,227 7,734 Used (1,009) (8,049) (9,058) ------------------------------------------ At December 31, 2005 3,489 33,456 36,945 ========================================== Year ended December 31, 2004 Values at the beginning of the year 4,065 35,559 39,624 Translation differences 341 2,878 3,219 Reversals / Additional provisions 6,254 (556) 5,698 Used (5,151) (1,673) (6,824) Increase due to business combinations - 919 919 ------------------------------------------ At December 31, 2004 5,509 37,127 42,636 ========================================== 25 Derivative financial instruments Net fair values of derivative financial instruments The net fair values of derivative financial instruments disclosed in Other liabilities and Other receivables at the balance sheet date, in accordance with IAS 39, were: Year ended December 31, ------------------------ 2005 2004 Contracts with positive fair values: Interest rate swap contracts 3,641 192 Forward foreign exchange contracts 441 12,163 Contracts with negative fair values: Interest rate swap contracts (921) (3,595) Forward foreign exchange contracts (7,818) (3,749) Commodities contracts - (283) Derivative financial instruments breakdown is as follows: Variable interest rate swaps Fair Value December 31, Notional amount -------------------------- (in thousands) Swap Term 2005 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUR 111,975 Pay fixed/Receive variable 2005 - (1,493) EUR 22,616 Pay fixed/Receive variable 2007 (410) (853) MXN 275,000 Pay fixed/Receive variable 2007 - (148) EUR 1,404 Pay fixed/Receive variable 2009 (82) (152) EUR 6,714 Pay fixed/Receive variable 2010 (429) (757) USD 100,000 Pay fixed/Receive variable 2009 2,228 - USD 200,000 Interest rate collar 2010 1,413 - -------------------------- 2,720 (3,403) ========================== -37-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exchange rate derivatives Fair Value December 31, ------------------ Currencies Contract 2005 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- USD/EUR Euro Forward sales - (107) USD/EUR Euro Forward purchases (1,502) 1,083 JPY/USD Japanese Yen Forward purchases (3,579) 5,388 CAD/USD Canadian Dollar Forward sales - (1,108) BRL/USD Brazilian Real Forward sales 8 (1,885) ARS/USD Argentine Peso Forward purchases (2,186) 2,154 GBP/USD Pound Sterling Forward purchases - 3,449 USD/MXN Mexican Peso Forward sales - (560) KWD/USD Kuwaiti Dinar Forward sales (118) - ------------------- (7,377) 8,414 =================== Commodities price derivatives Fair Value December ---------------------- Contract Terms 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gas put options 2004-2005 - (283) ---------------------- - (283) ====================== 26 Contingencies, commitments and restrictions on the distribution of profits Tenaris is involved in litigation arising from time to time in the ordinary course of business. Based on management's assessment and the advice of legal counsel, it is not anticipated that the ultimate resolution of pending litigation will result in amounts in excess of recorded provisions (Notes 22 and 23) that would be material to Tenaris' consolidated financial position or results of operations. (i) BHP litigation and arbitration proceeding against Fintecna On December 30, 2003 Dalmine and a consortium led by BHP Billiton Petroleum Ltd. ("BHP") settled their litigation concerning the failure of an underwater pipeline. The pipe that was the subject of the litigation with BHP was manufactured and sold, and the tort alleged by BHP took place, prior to the privatization of Dalmine. According to the terms of the settlement, Dalmine paid BHP a total of GBP 108.0 million ($207.2 million), inclusive of expenses. This amount, was payable in three annual installments, net of advances previously made. The first two installments of GBP 30.3 million and GBP 30.4 million were paid in January and December 2004, respectively, and the final installment of GBP 30.4 million plus interest at Libor plus 1% ($60.6 million) was paid on March 29, 2005. No charges against income resulted from this payment, as Tenaris had previously recorded a provision related to this matter. Techint Investments Netherlands B.V. ("Tenet") - the Tenaris subsidiary party to the contract pursuant to which Dalmine was privatized - commenced arbitration proceedings against Fintecna S.p.A. ("Fintecna"), an Italian state-owned entity and successor to ILVA S.p.A., the former owner of Dalmine, seeking indemnification from Fintecna for any amounts paid or payable by Dalmine to BHP. On December 28, 2004, an arbitral tribunal rendered a final award in the arbitration proceeding against Fintecna. Pursuant to this final award, Fintecna paid Tenaris a total amount of euros 93.8 million ($127.2 million) on March 15, 2005. As a result of these settlements, the arbitration proceedings have been definitively concluded and Tenaris has no further oustanding obligations under the BHP settlement agreement. (ii) Tax matters -38-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conversion of tax loss carry-forwards On December 18, 2000, the Argentine tax authorities notified Siderca of an income tax assessment related to the conversion of tax loss carry-forwards into Debt Consolidation Bonds under Argentine Law No. 24.073. The adjustments proposed by the tax authorities represent an estimated contingency of ARP64.4 million (approximately $21.2 million) at December 31, 2005 in taxes and penalties. Based on the views of Siderca's tax advisors, Tenaris believes that the ultimate resolution of the matter will not result in a material obligation. Accordingly, no provision was recorded in these financial statements. Application of inflationary adjustment procedures On its tax return for the year ended December 31, 2002, Siat S.A., ("Siat", a subsidiary of Tenaris domiciled in Argentina), applied the inflation adjustment procedure set forth in Title VI of the Argentine Income Tax Law to reflect the impact of inflation on its monetary positions. The application of such procedure, however, had been suspended in March 1992 following the introduction of the convertibility regime that pegged the Argentine peso to the United States dollar at a fixed exchange rate of one peso to one dollar and had not been reinstated after the termination of the convertibility regime. Siat commenced legal proceedings objecting to the suspension of the inflationary adjustment procedure on constitutional grounds, arguing that the suspension resulted in artificial gains arising from the impact of inflation on monetary positions during 2002. In July 29, 2005 Siat paid $4.5 million corresponding to the amount of tax due excluding the inflationary correction adjustment, pending resolution of the legal proceeding. The injunction has been appealed by the Argentine Tax Authority before the Federal Court of Appeals. Siderca S.A.I.C. had also initiated similar proceedings against Argentine fiscal authorities seeking relief through the application of the inflationary adjustment correction in the calculation of its income tax liability for the year ended December 31, 2002. However, on October 29, 2004, Siderca applied for benefits under the promotional regime established by Argentine Law 25.924 and committed to dismiss the legal proceedings described in the previous paragraphs in the event that Siderca were granted participation. On February 11, 2005, Siderca was granted the right to participate in the promotional tax regime established by Argentine Law 25,924 under which it could potentially earn certain tax benefits. As a result, Siderca withdrew its claim against the Argentine fiscal authorities. On February 21, 2005, Siderca paid ARS $69.4 million ($23.8 million). No charges against income resulted from this payment, as Tenaris had previously recorded a provision related to this matter. (iii) Other Proceedings Dalmine is currently subject to twelve civil proceedings for work-related injuries arising from the use of asbestos in its manufacturing processes during the period from 1960 to 1980. On June 1, 2005, the First Instance Court of Bergamo, Italy, found against three former Dalmine managers subject to a consolidated criminal proceeding for "objective responsibility" in the injuries of 21 employees of the company caused by the use of asbestos in manufacturing processes from 1960 to 1980. The managers have decided to appeal before the Court of Appeal of Brescia. Of the 21 civil parties related to the above consolidated criminal proceeding, 20 have been settled. In addition to the civil and criminal cases, another 22 asbestos related out-of-court claims have been forwarded to Dalmine. Dalmine estimates that its potential liability in connection with the claims not yet settled or covered by insurance is approximately EUR 10.3 million ($12.4 million). (iv) Commitments (a) In connection with its equity interest in Complejo Siderurgico de Guayana C.A. ("Comsigua"), Tenaris pledged its shares in Comsigua and provided a proportional guarantee of $11.7 million in support of project financing provided by the International Finance Corporation ("IFC") in the amount of $156 million. On March 15, 2005 Comsigua -39-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prepaid the remaining balance of approximately $42.5 million owed to the IFC related to the project financing loans. Tenaris has applied to the IFC for release from its proportional guarantee commitment of Comsigua's project loan. This release is pending. (b) In July 2004, Tenaris' subsidiary Matesi Materiales Siderurgicos S.A. ("Matesi") entered into a twenty-year agreement with C.V.G. Electrificacion del Caroni, C.A. ("Edelca") for the purchase of electric power under certain take-or-pay conditions, with an option to terminate the contract at any time upon three years notice. The agreement established a start-up period until June 2005 for which the take-or-pay conditions were not be in force. The outstanding value of the contract at December 31, 2005 is approximately $60.1 million. (c) On August 20, 2004 Matesi entered into a ten-year off-take contract pursuant to which Matesi is required to sell to Sidor on a take-or-pay basis 29.9% of Matesi's HBI production. In addition, Sidor has the right to increase its proportion on Matesi's production by an extra 19.9% until reaching 49.8% of Matesi's HBI production. Under the contract, the sale price is determined on a cost-plus basis. The contract is renewable for additional three year periods unless Matesi or Sidor objects its renewal more than a year prior to its termination. (d) Tenaris entered in a contract with Siderar for the supply of steam generated at the power generation facility owned by Tenaris in San Nicolas. Under this contract, Tenaris is required to provide 250 tn/hour of steam, and Siderar has the obligation to take or pay this volume. This outsourcing contract is due to terminate in 2018. In October 2004, Tenaris detected technical problems at its electric power generating facility located in San Nicolas, Argentina during the routine maintenance of the equipment. GE Energy, the generator's manufacturer, assumed the cost of the repairs of the generator, estimated at $9.0 million. Tenaris recognized a receivable with the manufacturer for the cost of the repairs. The Company impaired the value of these assets under Property, Plant and Equipment for $11.7 million. The reparation of the generating facility was completed by September 2005. (e) Under a lease agreement entered into in 2000 between Gade Srl (Italy) and Dalmine relating to a building located in Sabbio Bergamasco and used by Dalmine's former subsidiary, Tad Commerciale, Dalmine is obligated to bid in the auction for the purchase of a building owned by Gade for a minimum amount of EUR 8.3 million ($10.0 million). As of the present, a date for the auction has not been announced. (f) In August 2001, Dalmine Energie S.p.A. ("Dalmine Energie") entered into a ten-year contract ending October 1, 2011 with Eni S.p.A. Gas & Power Division ("Eni") for the purchase of natural gas with certain take-or-pay conditions. The outstanding value of these commitments at December 31, 2005 amounts to approximately EUR 816.3 million ($963.0 million). (g) Under the Gas Release Program enacted by Eni, in August 2004, Dalmine Energie increased its supply of natural gas for the period from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2008. The gas purchase and sale agreements entered into with Eni contain customary take-or-pay conditions. The additional gas supply mentioned above is valued at approximately EUR 266.3 million ($313.3 million), based on prices prevailing as of December 2005. Dalmine Energie has also obtained the necessary capacity on the interconnection infrastructure at the Italian border to transport the natural gas to Italy for the supply period. (h) Dalmine Energie has entered into arrangements and expects to obtain additional gas transportation capacity on the Trans Austria Gasleitung GmbH ("TAG") pipeline, which is presently under construction. This capacity will allow Dalmine Energie to import an incremental 1,176.5 million cubic meters of natural gas per year. The additional transportation capacity, which is subject to "ship or pay" provisions, will be available on a firm basis on the TAG pipeline beginning October 2008 and through September 2028. The expected annual value of this "ship or pay" commitment is approximately EUR 5.0 million per year. Tenaris provided bank guarantees in the amount of EUR 15.1 million in support of Dalmine Energie. The value of the bank guarantees correspond to the termination penalties that would be due TAG in the event of termination or non-utilization of the transportation capacity. (v) Restrictions on the distribution of profits and payment of dividends -40-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of December 31, 2005, shareholders' equity as defined under Luxembourg law and regulations consisted of: (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars) Share capital 1,180,537 Legal reserve 118,054 Share premium 609,733 Retained earnings including net income for the year ended December 31, 2005 1,171,738 ------------ Total shareholders equity according to Luxembourg law 3,080,062 ============ At least 5% of the net income per year as calculated in accordance with Luxembourg law and regulations must be allocated to the creation of a legal reserve equivalent to 10% of share capital. As of December 31, 2005, this reserve is fully allocated and additional allocations to the reserve are not required under Luxembourg law. Dividends may not be paid from this reserve. Tenaris may pay dividends to the extent that it has distributable retained earnings and distributable reserve calculated in accordance with Luxembourg law and regulations. At December 31, 2005, the distributable reserve, including retained earnings and profit for the financial year, of Tenaris under Luxembourg law totalled $1,171.7 million, as detailed below. (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars) Distributable reserve at December 31, 2004 under Luxembourg law 536,541 Dividends and distributions received 449,270 Other income and expenses for the year ended December 31, 2005 535,366 Dividends paid (349,439) ------------ Distributable reserve at December 31, 2005 under Luxembourg law 1,171,738 ============ 27 Ordinary shares and share premium Number of Ordinary shares ------------------------------------ 2005 2004 At January 1 1,180,536,830 1,180,287,664 Net issue of shares - 249,166 ------------------------------------ At December 31 1,180,536,830 1,180,536,830 ------------------------------------ The total of issued and outstanding ordinary shares as of December 31, 2005 is 1,180,536,830 with a par value of $1.00 per share with one vote each. 28 Business combinations and other acquisitions (a) As described in AP B, management has applied IFRS 3 to the business combinations detailed below. On May 4, 2005, the Company completed the acquisition of 97% of the equity in S.C. Donasid S.A., a Romanian steel producer, for approximately $47.9 million in cash and assumed liabilities. The shares of Siprofer A.G. and Donasid Service S.r.l. were also acquired as part of this transaction. -41-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On July 26, 2004 Tenaris acquired all of the shares of Tubman International Ltd. ("Tubman"), a company incorporated under the laws of Gibraltar, which owned 84.86% of the shares of S. C. Silcotub S.A. ("Silcotub") and controlling interests in two minor subsidiaries, and all of the shares of Intermetal Com S.r.l. ("Intermetal") for a total consideration of $42.0 million. Silcotub, the minor subsidiaries and Intermetal are incorporated in Romania. The acquisition of these companies did not generate goodwill. On July 9, 2004 Tenaris and Sidor, through their jointly owned company Matesi, acquired the industrial facilities for the production of pre-reduced HBI located in Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, from Posven, a Venezuelan company. The price of the acquisition was $120.0 million. The acquisition did not generate goodwill. As of December 31, 2005 Tenaris held 50.2% of Matesi, while Sidor owned the remaining 49.8%. Subsequently, Tenaris reached agreement with the Romanian privatization agency ("AVAS") to settle litigation commenced by the latter against Tubman in connection with its alleged breach of certain obligations under the privatization agreement under which Tubman purchased control of S.C. Laminorul S.A. ("Laminorul"). Pursuant to the agreement, signed on November 1, 2004 Tenaris transferred 9,931,375 shares of Laminorul (representing 69.99% of Laminorul's capital stock) to the Romanian government, retaining 2,334,145 shares (16.45% of Laminorul's capital stock). The businesses acquired in 2004 contributed revenues of $93.2 million and net income of $6.1 million to Tenaris. Businesses acquired in 2005 did not materially contribute to the Company's revenue and income. The assets and liabilities arising from the acquisitions are as a follows: Year ended December 31, 2005 2004 -------------------------- (all amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars) Other assets and liabilities (net) (41,755) (25,060) Property, plant and equipment 67,211 191,097 Goodwill 769 - -------------------------- Net assets acquired 26,225 166,037 Minority Interest (527) (8,034) -------------------------- Total non-current liabilities (*) - (60,408) -------------------------- Total liabilities assumed - (60,408) -------------------------- Sub-total 25,698 97,595 -------------------------- Cash-acquired - 5,177 Common stock issued in acquisition of minority interest 820 -------------------------- Purchase consideration 25,698 103,592 Liabilities paid as part of purchase agreement 22,594 - -------------------------- Total disbursement 48,292 103,592 ========================== Net cash consideration (total disbursement less cash acquired and common stock issued in acquisition of minority interest) amounted to $ 48,292 and $ 97,595 at December 31, 2005 and 2004 respectively. (*) At December 31, 2004 includes Matesi's liability with Sidor (minority shareholder of Matesi). (b) Incorporations: On January 23, 2004 Tenaris Investments Limited was incorporated in Ireland to assist the financial activities of the Company and its other subsidiaries; on that date, Tenaris underwrote all of the common shares of the new company and increased the subsidiary's capital stock to $50.0 million. (c) Asset Purchases: On February 2, 2004 Tenaris completed the purchase of the land and manufacturing facilities that were previously leased by its Canadian operating subsidiary. The assets were acquired from Algoma Steel Inc. for the price of approximately $9.6 million, plus transaction costs. -42-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (d) Capitalization of Convertible Debt of Consorcio Siderurgia Amazonia, Ltd. ("Amazonia") and Exchange of Interests in Amazonia and Ylopa Servicos de Consultadoria Lda. ("Ylopa") for shares of Ternium S.A. ("Ternium") On February 3, 2005, Ylopa exercised its option to convert the convertible debt it held in Amazonia into common stock. In connection of this conversion, Tenaris recognized a gain of $83.1 million in 2004. As a result, Tenaris' ownership stake in Amazonia increased from 14.5% to 21.2%, and its indirect ownership in Sidor C.A. ("Sidor") increased from 8.7% to 12.6%. On September 9, 2005, the Company exchanged its interest in Amazonia and its interest in Ylopa, for 209,460,856 shares in Ternium, a new company formed by San Faustin N.V. (a Netherlands Antilles corporation and controlling shareholder of Tenaris) to consolidate its Latin American holdings in flat and long steel producers Siderar S.A.I.C., Sidor C.A. and Hylsamex, S.A de C.V. . As a result of the exchange, which was carried out based on fair values as determined by an internationally recognized investment bank engaged for this purpose, Tenaris obtained an ownership interest of approximately 17.9% in Ternium. Subsequently, on October 27, 2005, Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. ("Usiminas") reached agreement with Ternium to exchange its interests in Amazonia, Ylopa and Siderar S.A.I.C., plus additional consideration of approximately $114.1 million provided as a convertible loan, for an equity stake in Ternium. As a result of this transaction, at December 31, 2005, Tenaris' ownership stake in Ternium was reduced to 15.0% of Ternium's outstanding common stock. As this was an equity transaction in Ternium, the effect of $2.7 million at Tenaris's percentage of ownership was recognized in other reserves in equity. In addition, as of December 31, 2005, Tenaris had also extended two loans totaling approximately $40.4 million to Ternium, consisting of principal amount of $39.7 million plus accrued interest. The principal amount of these loans at the date issue corresponded to the amount of excess cash distributions received from Amazonia during the second and third quarters of 2005. The loans were convertible into shares of Ternium at the discretion of Tenaris upon the occurrence of: 1) maturity of the loan in July and August 2011; 2) an event of default as defined in certain loan agreements between Ternium and its banks. Conversion of the loan was mandatory upon an initial public offering ("IPO") of shares by Ternium. On February 1, 2006, Ternium completed its initial public offering of shares, issuing an additional 248,447,200 shares (equivalent to 24,844,720 ADS) at a price of $2.00 per share, or $20.00 per ADS. Tenaris received an additional 20,252,338 shares upon the mandatory conversion of its loans to Ternium. In addition to the shares issued to Tenaris, Ternium issued additional shares to other shareholders corresponding to their mandatory convertible loans. As a result of the IPO and the conversion of loans, as of February 1, 2006, Tenaris' ownership stake in Ternium common stock amounted to 11.59%. Because the exchange of its holdings in Amazonia and Ylopa for shares in Ternium, were considered to be transactions between companies under common control, Tenaris has initially recorded its ownership interest in Ternium at the carrying value of the investments exchanged. At the transaction date, the carrying value of Amazonia and Ylopa was $229.7 million while Tenaris' proportional ownership in the equity of Ternium at September 30, 2005 amounted to $252.3 million. The difference of $22.6 million between the carrying value of Amazonia and Ylopa and Tenaris' proportional ownership in the equity of Ternium will be maintained in the future. As a result of this accounting treatment, Tenaris' reported value of its investment in Ternium will not reflect its proportional ownership of Ternium's net equity position. Until September 30, 2005, Tenaris recognized its proportional earnings in Amazonia and Ylopa, which amounted to $26.5 million. For the quarter ended December 31, 2005, Tenaris recognized earnings from its investment in Ternium in the amount of $21.8 million. Going forward, Tenaris will continue to recognize its share of Ternium's earnings to the extent of its proportional ownership. (e) Acindar: On May 18, 2005, Siat S.A., a subsidiary of Tenaris, and Acindar Industria Argentina de Aceros S.A. ("Acindar") signed a letter of intent pursuant to which Siat confirmed its intention to acquire Acindar's welded pipe assets and facilities located in Villa Constitucion, province of Santa Fe, Argentina, for $28.0 million. On January 31, 2006 Siat completed this -43-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- acquisition. The facilities acquired have an annual capacity of 80,000 tons of welded pipes whose small diameter range largely complements the range of welded pipes that Tenaris produces in Argentina. Of the $28.0 million purchase price, approximately $4.0 million are pending of completion of certain actions by Acindar. (f) Capital Investment: On September 16, 2004 Tenaris' Board of Directors approved an investment to construct a gas-fired 120 MW combined heat and power plant in Dalmine, Italy with an estimated cost of approximately EUR 109 million (approximately $131 million). This investment is expected to improve the competitiveness of Tenaris' Italian seamless pipe operations by reducing energy costs and securing a reliable source of power. 29 Related party transactions The Company is controlled by San Faustin N.V., a Netherlands Antilles corporation, which owns 60.4% of the Company's outstanding shares, either directly or through its wholly-owned subsidiary I.I.I. Industrial Investments Inc., a Cayman Islands corporation. The Company's directors and executive officers as a group own 0.2% of the Company's outstanding shares, while the remaining 39.4% is publicly traded. The ultimate controlling entity of the Company is Rocca & Partners S.A., a British Virgin Islands corporation. The following transactions were carried out with related parties: At December 31, 2005 Associated (1) Other Total (i) Transactions (a) Sales of goods and services Sales of goods 104,054 75,948 180,002 Sales of services 7,499 7,830 15,329 -------------------------------------- 111,553 83,778 195,331 -------------------------------------- (b) Purchases of goods and services Purchases of goods 67,814 33,949 101,763 Purchases of services 15,773 63,220 78,993 -------------------------------------- 83,587 97,169 180,756 -------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 Associated (2) Other Total (i) Transactions (a) Sales of goods and services Sales of goods 26,088 46,844 72,932 Sales of services 15,365 9,618 24,983 -------------------------------------- 41,453 56,462 97,915 -------------------------------------- (b) Purchases of goods and services Purchases of goods 30,648 32,484 63,132 Purchases of services 7,526 51,305 58,831 -------------------------------------- 38,174 83,789 121,963 -------------------------------------- -44-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2003 Associated (2) Other Total (i) Transactions (a) Sales of goods and services Sales of goods 5,206 52,659 57,865 Sales of services 2,895 8,916 11,811 -------------------------------------- 8,101 61,575 69,676 -------------------------------------- (b) Purchases of goods and services Purchases of goods 26,679 44,305 70,984 Purchases of services 459 64,334 64,793 -------------------------------------- 27,138 108,639 135,777 -------------------------------------- (c) Acquisitions of subsidiaries - (304) (304) -------------------------------------- At December 31, 2005 Associated (3) Other Total (ii) Year-end balances (a) Arising from sales/purchases of goods/services Receivables from related parties 30,988 15,228 46,216 Payables to related parties (1) (21,034) (8,413) (29,447) -------------------------------------- 9,954 6,815 16,769 -------------------------------------- (b) Other balances 42,437 - 42,437 -------------------------------------- (c) Financial debt Borrowings and overdrafts (4) (54,801) - (54,801) -------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 Associated (2) Other Total (ii) Year-end balances (a) Arising from sales/purchases of goods/services Receivables from related parties 25,593 27,070 52,663 Payables to related parties (1) (4,914) (12,487) (17,401) -------------------------------------- 20,679 14,583 35,262 -------------------------------------- (b) Cash and cash equivalents Time deposits - 6 6 -------------------------------------- (c) Other balances Trust Fund - 119,666 119,666 Convertible debt instruments - Ylopa 121,955 - 121,955 -------------------------------------- 121,955 119,666 241,621 -------------------------------------- (d) Financial debt Borrowings and overdrafts (5) (51,457) (5,449) (56,906) -------------------------------------- -45-

At December 31, 2003 Associated (2) Other Total (ii) Year-end balances (a) Arising from sales/purchases of goods/services Receivables from related parties 6,253 35,863 42,116 Payables to related parties (18,968) (18,251) (37,219) -------------------------------------- (12,715) 17,612 4,897 -------------------------------------- (b) Cash and cash equivalents Time deposits - 420 420 -------------------------------------- (c) Other balances Trust Fund - 118,087 118,087 Convertible debt instruments - Ylopa 33,508 - 33,508 -------------------------------------- 33,508 118,087 151,595 -------------------------------------- (d) Financial debt Borrowings and overdrafts - (5,716) (5,716) Borrowings from trust fund - (1,789) (1,789) -------------------------------------- - (7,505) (7,505) -------------------------------------- (1) Up to September 30, 2005 includes: Condusid, Ylopa, Amazonia and Sidor. From October 1, 2005 includes: Condusid and Ternium. (2) Includes: Condusid, Ylopa, Amazonia and Sidor (3) Includes: Condusid and Ternium. (4) Convertible loan from Sidor to Matesi. (5) Includes convertible loan from Sidor to Matesi of $51.5 million at December 31, 2004. (iii) Officers and directors' compensation The aggregate compensation of the directors and executive officers earned during 2005 and 2004 amounts to $14.3 million and $9.8 million respectively. 30 Cash flow disclosures Year ended December 31, ----------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 (i) Changes in working capital Inventories (101,143) (411,045) (151,766) Receivables and prepayments 1,513 (82,845) 10,900 Trade receivables (387,240) (271,225) 4,142 Other liabilities 34,526 (37,443) 39,585 Customer advances (14,156) 72,678 17,636 Trade payables 32,561 108,693 (27,653) ----------------------------------------------------- (433,939) (621,187) (107,156) ----------------------------------------------------- -46-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ii) Income tax accruals less payments Tax accrued 568,753 220,376 63,918 Taxes paid (419,266) (175,717) (202,488) ----------------------------------------------------- 149,487 44,659 (138,570) ----------------------------------------------------- (iii) Interest accruals less payments, net Interest accrued 29,236 32,683 16,708 Interest paid net (27,317) (15,710) (19,740) ----------------------------------------------------- 1,919 16,973 (3,032) ----------------------------------------------------- (iv) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and bank deposits 707,356 311,579 247,834 Bank overdrafts (24,717) (4,255) (9,804) Restricted bank deposits (2,048) (13,500) - ----------------------------------------------------- 680,591 293,824 238,030 ----------------------------------------------------- -47-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Principal subsidiaries The following is a list of Tenaris's subsidiaries and its direct and indirect percentage of ownership of each company at December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company Country of Main activity Percentage of ownership Organization at December 31, - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Algoma Tubes Inc. Canada Manufacturing of seamless steel 100% 100% 100% pipes - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confab Industrial S.A. and subsidiaries Brazil Manufacturing of welded steel 39% 39% 39% (c) pipes and capital goods - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalmine Energie S.p.A. (h) Italy Trading of energy 100% 100% 100% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalmine Holding B.V. and subsidiaries Netherlands Holding company 99% 99% 99% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalmine S.p.A. Italy Manufacturing of seamless steel 99% 99% 99% pipes - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Fittings S.A. de C.V. (previously Mexico Manufacturing of welded fittings 100% 100% 100% Empresas Riga S.A. de C.V.) for seamless steel pipes - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Network S.R.L. (b) Romania Trading of energy 100% - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exiros S.A. Uruguay Procurement services for 100% 100% 100% industrial companies - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information Systems and Technologies N.V. Netherlands Software development and 75% 75% 75% maintenance - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information Systems and Technologies S.A. Argentina Software development and 100% 100% 100% (d) maintenance - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inmobiliaria Tamsa S.A. de C.V. Mexico Leasing of real estate 100% 100% 100% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insirger S.A. and subsidiaries (g) Argentina Electric power generation - 100% 100% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intermetal Com SRL (a) Romania Marketing of Scrap and other raw 100% 100% - materials - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inversiones Berna S.A. (b) Chile Financial company 100% - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inversiones Lucerna S.A. (b) Chile Financial company 82% - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invertub S.A. and subsidiaries (g) Argentina Holding Company - 100% 100% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lomond Holdings B.V. and subsidiaries Netherlands Procurement services for 100% 100% 100% industrial companies - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matesi, Materiales Siderurgicos S.A. (a) Venezuela Production of hot briquetted iron 50% 50% - (HBI) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metalcentro S.A. Argentina Manufacturing of pipe-end 100% 100% 100% protectors and lateral impact tubes - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metalmecanica S.A. Argentina Manufacturing of steel products 100% 100% 100% for oil extraction - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NKK Tubes K.K. Japan Manufacturing of seamless steel 51% 51% 51% pipes - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operadora Electrica S.A. (e) Argentina Electric power generation 100% 100% 100% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -48-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Principal subsidiaries (Cont'd.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company Country of Main activity Percentage of ownership at Organization December 31, - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality Tubes (UK) Ltd. (h) United Kingdom Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.C. Donasid and subsidiary (b) Romania Manufacturing of steel 99% - - products - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.C. Silcotub S.A. and subsidiaries (a) Romania Manufacturing of seamless 85% 85% - steel pipes - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrapservice S.A. Argentina Processing of scrap 75% 75% 75% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Servicios Generales TenarisTamsa S.A. de Mexico Handling and maintenance of 100% 100% 100% C.V. (f) steel pipes - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siat S.A. Argentina Manufacturing of welded steel 82% 82% 82% pipes - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siderca International A.p.S. Denmark Holding company 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siderca S.A.I.C. Argentina Manufacturing of seamless 100% 100% 100% steel pipes - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siderestiba S.A. Argentina Logistics 99% 99% 99% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sidtam Limited B.V.I. Holding company 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siprofer A.G. (b) Switzerland Holding company 100% - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SO.PAR.FI Dalmine Holding S.A. Luxembourg Holding company 99% 99% 99% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sociedad Industrial Puntana S.A. Argentina Manufacturing of steel 100% 100% 100% products - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Socominter S.A. Venezuela Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Socominter Ltda. Chile Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talta - Trading e Marketing Lda. (a) Madeira Holding Company 100% 100% - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tamdel LLC and subsidiaries (f) Mexico Holding company 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tamser S.A. de C.V. (f) Mexico Marketing of scrap 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tamsider LLC USA Holding company 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tamsider S.A. de C.V. and subsidiaries (g) Mexico Promotion and organization of - 100% 100% steel-related companies and marketing of steel products - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tamtrade C.V. (g) Mexico Marketing of steel products - 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Techint Investment Netherlands B.V. Netherlands Holding company 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Autopartes S.A. de C.V. Mexico Manufacturing of supplies for 100% 100% 100% the automotive industry - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -49-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Confab Hastes de Bombeio S.A. (a) Brazil Manufacturing of steel 70% 70% - products for oil extraction - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Connections A.G. and subsidiaries Liechtenstein Ownership and licensing of 100% 100% 99% steel technology - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Financial Services S.A. Uruguay Financial Services 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services B.V. Netherlands Sales agent of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (B.V.I.) Ltd. B.V.I. Holding company 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (Canada) Inc. Canada Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services de Bolivia S.R.L. Bolivia Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% (previously Socominter de Bolivia S.R.L.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services Ecuador S.A. Ecuador Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (Egypt) Ltd. (b) Egypt Marketing of steel products 100% - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services Far East Pte. Singapore Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% Ltd. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (Japan) K.K. Japan Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% (previously DST Japan K.K.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (Kazakhstan ) LLP Kazakhstan Marketing of steel products 100% 100% - (a) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services Korea Korea Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services LLC U.S.A. Sales agent of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services Nigeria Ltd. Nigeria Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% (Previously Tubular DST Nigeria Ltd.) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services Norway AS Norway Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (Panama) S.A. Panama Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services S.A. Uruguay Holding company and marketing 100% 100% 100% of steel products - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (UK) Ltd. United Kingdom Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Global Services (U.S.A.) U.S.A. Marketing of steel products 100% 100% 100% Corporation - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Investments Ltd. (a) Ireland Holding company 100% 100% - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris Qingdao Steel Pipes Ltd. (b) China Manufacturing of steel pipes 100% - - and connections - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenaris West Africa Ltd. United Kingdom Finishing of steel pipes 100% 100% 100% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texas Pipe Threaders Co. U.S.A. Finishing and marketing of 100% 100% 100% steel pipes - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -50-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company Country of Main activity Percentage of ownership Organization at December 31, - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2005 2004 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tubman Holdings (Gibraltar) LLP (a) Gibraltar Holding company 100% 100% - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tubman International Ltd. (a) Gibraltar Holding company 100% 100% - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tubos de Acero de Mexico S.A. Mexico Manufacturing of seamless 100% 100% 100% steel pipes - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tubos de Acero de Venezuela S.A. Venezuela Manufacturing of seamless 70% 70% 70% steel pipes - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Incorporated or acquired during 2004 (b) Incorporated or acquired during 2005 (c) Tenaris holds 99% of the voting shares of Confab Industrial S.A. and has, directly or indirectly, the majority of voting rights in all of its subsidiaries. (d) Included in December 2003 in "Information Systems and technologies N.V. and subsidiaries" and in December 2004 in "Invertub S.A. and subsidiaries" (e) Included in December 2004 in "Insirger S.A. and subsidiaries" (f) Included in December 2004 in "Tamsider S.A. de C.V. and subsidiaries" (g) Merged during 2005 (h) Included in December 2003 and 2004 in "Dalmine Holding B.V. and subsidiaries" Carlos Condorelli Chief Financial Officer -51-

Tenaris S.A. Consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005, 2004 and 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Tenaris S.A. In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the related consolidated statements of income, of cash flows and of changes in equity present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Tenaris S.A. and its subsidiaries at December 31, 2005 and 2004, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2005 in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. Buenos Aires, March 1, 2006 PRICE WATERHOUSE & CO. S.R.L. by (Partner) - ----------------------------------------- Daniel A. Lopez Lado -52-

SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. Date: March 6, 2006 Tenaris, S.A. By: /s/ Cecilia Bilesio - ----------------------- Cecilia Bilesio Corporate Secretary