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Document And Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Income Statement
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Changes In Equity
Consolidated Statement of Changes In Equity (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to Financial Statements
General Information
Accounting Policies
Financial Risk Management
Note 1 - Segment Information
Note 2 - Cost of Sales
Note 3 - Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
Note 4 - Labor Costs - Labor Costs (Included in Cost of Sales and in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses)
Note 5 - Other Operating Income and Expenses
Note 6 - Financial Results
Note 7 - Equity in Earnings (Losses) of Non-consolidated Companies
Note 8 - Income Tax
Note 9 - Dividends Distribution
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net
Note 12 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies
Note 13 - Receivables - Non Current
Note 14 - Inventories
Note 15 - Receivables and Prepayments
Note 16 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities
Note 17 - Trade Receivables
Note 18 - Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments
Note 19 - Borrowings
Note 20 - Deferred Income Tax
Note 21 - Other Liabilities
Note 22 - Non-current Allowances and Provisions
Note 23 - Current Allowances and Provisions
Note 24 - Derivative Financial Instruments
Note 25 - Contingencies, Commitments and Restrictions On the Distribution of Profits
Note 26 - Acquisition of subsidiaries
Note 27 - Cash Flow Disclosures
Note 28 - Net Assets of Disposal Group Classified As Held for Sale
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions
Note 30 - Principal Subsidiaries
Note 31 - Nationalization of Venezuelan Subsidiaries
Note 32 - Fees Paid to the Company's Principal Accountant
Notes to Financial Statements
Note 33 - Subsequent Event
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Accounting Policies (Tables)
Financial Risk Management (Tables)
Note 1 - Segment Information (Tables)
Note 2 - Cost of Sales (Tables)
Note 3 - Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (Tables)
Note 4 - Labor Costs - Labor Costs (Included in Cost of Sales and in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) (Tables)
Note 5 - Other Operating Income and Expenses (Tables)
Note 6 - Financial Results (Tables)
Note 7 - Equity in Earnings (Losses) of Non-consolidated Companies (Tables)
Note 8 - Income Tax (Tables)
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Tables)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net (Tables)
Note 12 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies (Tables)
Note 13 - Receivables - Non Current (Tables)
Note 14 - Inventories (Tables)
Note 15 - Receivables and Prepayments (Tables)
Note 16 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Note 17 - Trade Receivables (Tables)
Note 18 - Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments (Tables)
Note 19 - Borrowings (Tables)
Note 20 - Deferred Income Tax (Tables)
Note 21 - Other Liabilities (Tables)
Note 22 - Non-current Allowances and Provisions (Tables)
Note 23 - Current Allowances and Provisions (Tables)
Note 24 - Derivative Financial Instruments (Tables)
Note 25 - Contingencies, Commitments and Restrictions On the Distribution of Profits (Tables)
Note 27 - Cash Flow Disclosures (Tables)
Note 28 - Net Assets of Disposal Group Classified As Held for Sale (Tables)
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions (Tables)
Note 30 - Principal Subsidiaries (Tables)
Note 32 - Fees Paid to the Company's Principal Accountant (Tables)
Notes Details
Accounting Policies (Details Textual)
Accounting Policies - Estimated Useful Lives of Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Financial Risk Management (Details Textual)
Financial Risk Management - Financial Assets and Liabilities Which Impact Profit and Loss (Details)
Financial Risk Management - Proportions of Variable-rate and Fixed-rate Debt (Details)
Financial Risk Management - Financial Instruments and Classification Within the Fair Value Hierarchy (Details)
Financial Risk Management - Changes in Level 3 Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 1 - Segment Information (Details Textual)
Note 1 - Segment Information - Reportable Operating Segments (Details)
Note 1 - Segment Information - Geographical Information (Details)
Note 2 - Cost of Sales (Details Textual)
Note 2 - Cost of Sales - Components of Cost of Sales (Details)
Note 3 - Selling, General and Administrative Expenses - Components of Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (Details)
Note 4 - Labor Costs - Labor Costs (Included in Cost of Sales and in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) (Details Textual)
Note 4 - Labor Costs - Summary of Labor Costs (Included in Cost of Sales and in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) (Details)
Note 5 - Other Operating Income and Expenses (Details Textual)
Note 5 - Other Operating Income and Expenses - Components of Other Operating Income and Expenses (Details)
Note 6 - Financial Results - Financial Income (Cost) (Details)
Note 7 - Equity in Earnings (Losses) of Non-consolidated Companies - Equity in Earnings (Losses) of Non-consolidated Companies (Details)
Note 8 - Income Tax (Details Textual)
Note 8 - Income Tax - Summary of Income Tax Expense (Benefit) (Details)
Note 8 - Income Tax - Summary of Differences Between Income Tax and Theoretical Amount Using Tax Rate in Each Country (Details)
Note 9 - Dividends Distribution (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net - Components of Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Details)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net (Details Textual)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net - Intangible Assets and Goodwill (Details)
Note 11 - Intangible Asset, Net - Goodwill Allocated by CGU (Details)
Note 12 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies (Details Textual)
Note 12 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies - Summary of Investments in Non-consolidated Companies (Details)
Note 12 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies - Principal Non-consolidated Companies (Details)
Note 12 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies - Summary of Selected Financial Information (Details)
Note 13 - Receivables - Non Current - Components of Receivables Non Current (Details)
Note 14 - Inventories - Components of Inventories (Details)
Note 15 - Receivables and Prepayments - Summary of Receivables and Prepayments (Details)
Note 16 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities - Summary of Current Tax Assets (Details)
Note 16 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities - Summary of Current Tax Liabilities (Details)
Note 17 - Trade Receivables - Summary of Current Trade Receivables (Details)
Note 17 - Trade Receivables - Summary of the Aging of Trade Receivables (Details)
Note 18 - Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments - Components of Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments (Details)
Note 19 - Borrowings - Non-current and Current Borrowings (Details)
Note 19 - Borrowings - Maturity of Borrowings (Details)
Note 19 - Borrowings - Significant Borrowings as of Closing Date (Details)
Note 19 - Borrowings - Weighted Average Interest Rates of Borrowings (Details)
Note 19 - Borrowings - Borrowings by Currency and Rate (Details)
Note 19 - Borrowings - Borrowings Evolution (Details)
Note 20 - Deferred Income Tax (Details Textual)
Note 20 - Deferred Income Tax - Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 20 - Deferred Income Tax - Recovery Analysis of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 20 - Deferred Income Tax - Net Deferred Tax Liabilities (Assets) (Details)
Note 21 - Other Liabilities (Details Textual)
Note 21 - Other Liabilities - Other Noncurrent Liabilities (Details)
Note 21 - Other Liabilities - Post-employment benefits (Details)
Note 21 - Other Liabilities - Actuarial Assumptions (Details)
Note 21 - Other Liabilities - Plan Assets (Details)
Note 21 - Other Liabilities - Other Current Liabilities (Details)
Note 22 - Non-current Allowances and Provisions - Deducted From Non-current Receivables (Details)
Note 22 - Non-current Allowances and Provisions - Liabilities (Details)
Note 23 - Current Allowances and Provisions - Deducted From Assets (Details)
Note 23 - Current Allowances and Provisions - Liabilities (Details)
Note 24 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Net Fair Values (Details)
Note 24 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Foreign Exchange Derivative Contracts and Hedge Accounting (Details)
Note 24 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Hedge Reserve Evolution (Details)
Note 25 - Contingencies, Commitments and Restrictions On the Distribution of Profits (Details Textual)
Note 25 - Contingencies, Commitments and Restrictions on the Distribution of Profits - Equity As Defined Under Luxembourg Law and Regulations (Details)
Note 25 - Contingencies, Commitments and Restrictions on the Distribution of Profits - Distributable Amount Under Luxembourg Law (Details)
Note 26 - Acquisition of subsidiaries (Details Textual)
Note 27 - Cash Flow Disclosures - Cash Flow Disclosures (Details)
Note 28 - Net Assets of Disposal Group Classified As Held for Sale (Details Textual)
Note 28 - Net Assets of Disposal Group Classified As Held for Sale - Components of Discontinued Operation's Net Income (Details)
Note 28 - Net Assets of Disposal Group Classified As Held for Sale - Components Gain on Sale After Income Tax for Disposals (Details)
Note 28 - Net Assets of Disposal Group Classified As Held for Sale - Discontinued Operations (Details)
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions (Details Textual)
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions - Transactions Carried Out With Related Parties (Details)
Note 30 - Principal Subsidiaries (Details Textual)
Note 30 - Principal Subsidiaries - Percentage of Ownership of Each Controlled Company (Details)
Note 31 - Nationalization of Venezuelan Subsidiaries (Details Textual)
Note 32 - Fees Paid to the Company's Principal Accountant - Fees Accrued for Professional Services (Details)
Note 33 - Subsequent Event (Details Textual)
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