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Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
I. General Information
II. Accounting Policies
III. Financial Risk Management
Note 1 - Segment Information
Note 2 - Cost of Sales
Note 3 - Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
Note 4 - Labor Costs - Labor Costs (Included in Cost of Sales and in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses)
Note 5 - Impairment charge
Note 6 - Other operating income and expenses
Note 7 - Financial Results
Note 8 - Income Tax
Note 9 - Dividends Distribution
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net
Note 12 - Right-of-use Assets, Net and Lease Liabilities
Note 13 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies
Note 14 - Receivables - Non Current
Note 15 - Inventories, Net
Note 16 - Receivables and Prepayments, Net
Note 17 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities
Note 18 - Trade Receivables, Net
Note 19 - Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments
Note 20 - Borrowings
Note 21 - Deferred Income Tax
Note 22 - Other Liabilities
Note 23 - Non-current allowances and provisions
Note 24 - Current allowances and provisions
Note 25 - Derivative Financial Instruments
Note 26 - Contingencies, Commitments and Restrictions On the Distribution of Profits
Note 27 - Foreign exchange control measures in Argentina
Note 28 - Cash Flow Disclosures
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions
Note 30 - Fees Paid to the Company's Principal Accountant
Note 31 - Principal Subsidiaries
Note 32 - Business Combinations
Note 33 - Agreement to Build a Welded Pipe Plant in West Siberia
Note 34 - Agreement to build a steel pipe premium connection threading plant in Baotou
Note 35 - Closure of facilities at JFE's Keihin steel complex
Note 36 - Closure of Prudential Steel LTD
Note 37 - Cancellation of title deed in Saudi Steel Pipe Company
Note 38 - Nationalization of Venezuelan Subsidiaries
Note 39 - The COVID-19 pandemic and the oil & gas crisis and their impact on Tenaris's operations and financial condition
Note 40 - Subsequent Events
Accounting Policies
II. Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
II. Accounting Policies (Tables)
III. Financial Risk Management (Tables)
Note 1 - Segment Information (Tables)
Note 2 - Cost of Sales (Tables)
Note 3 - Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (Tables)
Note 4 - Labor costs (included in Cost of sales and in Selling, general and administrative expenses) (Tables)
Note 5 - Impairment charge (Tables)
Note 6 - Other operating income and expenses (Tables)
Note 7 - Financial Results (Tables)
Note 8 - Income Tax (Tables)
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Tables)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net (Tables)
Note 12 - Right-of-use Assets, Net and Lease Liabilities (Tables)
Note 13 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies (Tables)
Note 14 - Receivables - Non Current (Tables)
Note 15 - Inventories, Net (Tables)
Note 16 - Receivables and Prepayments, Net (Tables)
Note 17 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities (Tables)
Note 18 - Trade Receivables, Net (Tables)
Note 19 - Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments (Tables)
Note 20 - Borrowings (Tables)
Note 21 - Deferred Income Tax (Tables)
Note 22 - Other Liabilities (Tables)
Note 23 - Non-current allowances and provisions (Tables)
Note 24 - Current allowances and provisions (Tables)
Note 25 - Derivative Financial Instruments (Tables)
Note 28 - Cash Flow Disclosures (Tables)
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions (Tables)
Note 30 - Fees Paid to the Company's Principal Accountant (Tables)
Note 32 - Business Combinations (Tables)
Principal Subsidiaries (Tables)
Notes Details
II. Accounting Policies (Details Textual)
II. Accounting Policies - Estimated Useful Lives of Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
III. Financial Risk Management (Details Textual)
III. Financial Risk Management - Financial Assets and Liabilities Which Impact Profit and Loss (Details)
III. Financial Risk Management - Proportions of Variable-rate and Fixed-rate Debt (Details)
III. Financial Risk Management - Financial Instruments and Classification Within the Fair Value Hierarchy (Details)
III. Financial Risk Management - Changes in Level 3 Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 1 - Segment Information (Details Textual)
Note 1 - Segment Information - Reportable Operating Segments (Details)
Note 1 - Segment Information - Geographical Information (Details)
Note 1 - Segment Information - Tubes Segment Revenues By Market (Details)
Note 2 - Cost of Sales - Components of Cost of Sales (Details)
Note 3 - Selling, General and Administrative Expenses - Components of Selling, General and Administrative Expenses (Details)
Note 4 - Labor Costs - Summary of Labor Costs (Included in Cost of Sales and in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) (Details)
Note 4 - Labor Costs - Labor Costs (Included in Cost of Sales and in Selling, General and Administrative Expenses) - Number of Employees (Details)
Note 5 - Impairment charge (Details)
Note 5 - Impairment charge - Impairment allocated by CGU (Details)
Note 5 - Impairment charge - Additional impairment with the change in key assumptions (Details)
Note 6 - Other operating income and expenses (Details)
Note 7 - Financial Results (Details Textual)
Note 7 - Financial Results - Financial Income (Cost) (Details)
Note 8 - Income Tax (Details Textual)
Note 8 - Income Tax - Summary of Income Tax Expense (Benefit) (Details)
Note 8 - Income Tax - Summary of Differences Between Income Tax and Theoretical Amount Using Tax Rate in Each Country (Details)
Note 9 - Dividends Distribution (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Property, Plant and Equipment, Net - Components of Property, Plant and Equipment, Net (Details)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net (Details Textual)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net - Intangible Assets and Goodwill (Details)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net - Goodwill Allocated by CGU (Details)
Note 12 - Right-of-use Assets, Net and Lease Liabilities (Details Textual)
Note 12 - Right-of-use Assets, Net and Lease Liabilities - Evolution of Right-of-use Assets (Details)
Note 12 - Right-of-use Assets, Net and Lease Liabilities - Evolution of Lease Liability (Details)
Note 13 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies (Details Textual)
Note 13 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies - Summary of Investments in Non-consolidated Companies (Details)
Note 13 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies - Principal Non-consolidated Companies (Details)
Note 13 - Investments in Non-consolidated Companies - Summary of Selected Financial Information (Details)
Note 14 - Receivables - Non Current - Components of Receivables Non Current (Details)
Note 15 - Inventories, Net - Components of Inventories (Details)
Note 16 - Receivables and Prepayments, Net - Summary of Receivables and Prepayments (Details)
Note 17 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities - Summary of Current Tax Assets (Details)
Note 17 - Current Tax Assets and Liabilities - Summary of Current Tax Liabilities (Details)
Note 18 - Trade Receivables, Net - Summary of Current Trade Receivables (Details)
Note 18 - Trade Receivables, Net - Summary of the Aging of Trade Receivables (Details)
Note 19 - Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments - Components of Cash and Cash Equivalents and Other Investments (Details)
Note 20 - Borrowings - Non-current and Current Borrowings (Details)
Note 20 - Borrowings - Maturity of Borrowings (Details)
Note 20 - Borrowings - Significant Borrowings as of Closing Date (Details)
Note 20 - Borrowings - Weighted Average Interest Rates of Borrowings (Details)
Note 20 - Borrowings - Borrowings by Currency and Rate (Details)
Note 20 - Borrowings - Borrowings Evolution (Details)
Note 21 - Deferred Income Tax (Details Textual)
Note 21 - Deferred Income Tax - Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 21 - Deferred Income Tax - Recovery Analysis of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 21 - Deferred Income Tax - Net Deferred Tax Liabilities (Assets) (Details)
Note 22 - Other Liabilities (Details Textual)
Note 22 - Other Liabilities - Other Noncurrent Liabilities (Details)
Note 22 - Other Liabilities - Post-employment Benefits (Details)
Note 22 - Other Liabilities - Actuarial Assumptions (Details)
Note 22 - Other Liabilities - Plan Assets (Details)
Note 22 - Other Liabilities - Other Current Liabilities (Details)
Note 23 - Non-current allowances and provisions - Liabilities (Details)
Note 24 - Current allowances and provisions - Deducted From Assets (Details)
Note 24 - Current allowances and provisions - Liabilities (Details)
Note 25 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Net Fair Values (Details)
Note 25 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Foreign Exchange Derivative Contracts and Hedge Accounting (Details)
Note 25 - Derivative Financial Instruments - Hedge Reserve Evolution (Details)
Note 26 - Contingencies, Commitments and Restrictions On the Distribution of Profits (Details Textual)
Note 27 - Foreign exchange control measures in Argentina (Details)
Note 28 - Cash Flow Disclosures - Cash Flow Disclosures (Details)
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions (Details Textual)
Note 29 - Related Party Transactions - Transactions Carried Out With Related Parties (Details)
Note 30 - Fees Paid to the Company's Principal Accountant - Fees Accrued for Professional Services (Details)
Note 31 - Principal Subsidiaries (Details Textual)
Note 31 - Principal Subsidiaries - Percentage of Ownership of Each Controlled Company (Details)
Note 32 - Business Combinations (Details Textual)
Note 32 - Business Combinations - Assets and Liabilities Assumed (Details)
Note 33 - Agreement to Build a Welded Pipe Plant in West Siberia (Details Textual)
Note 34 - Agreement to build a steel pipe premium connection threading plant in Baotou (Details)
Note 35 - Closure of facilities at JFE's Keihin steel complex (Details)
Note 36 - Closure of Prudential Steel LTD (Details)
Note 37 - Cancellation of title deed in Saudi Steel Pipe Company (Details)
Note 38 - Nationalization of Venezuelan Subsidiaries (Details Textual)
Note 39 - The COVID-19 pandemic and the oil & gas crisis and their impact on Tenaris's operations and financial condition (Details Textual)
Note 40 - Subsequent Events (Details Textual)
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